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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing CHEC

AIRCHECKaircheck n. (Broadcasting) A demonstration recording, often intended to show off the talent of an announcer to a…
AIRCHECK n. a recording made from a radio broadcast.
CHECHAKOchechako n. Alternative form of cheechako.
CHECHAKO n. (Native American) a tenderfoot, also CHECHAQUO, CHEECHAKO, CHEECHALKO.
CHECHIASchechias n. Plural of chechia.
CHECHIA n. (French) a cylindrical skullcap, worn by Arabs and adopted by French troops in North Africa.
CHECKBOXcheckbox n. A space on a paper form that can be optionally filled with a check mark.
checkbox n. (Graphical user interface) An on-screen box that can be optionally filled with a check mark, to enable…
check␣box n. (Graphical user interface) Alternative form of checkbox.
CHECKERScheckers n. Plural of checker.
checkers n. (Board games, US, Canada, in the singular) A game for two players played on a chessboard; the players…
checkers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of checker.
CHECKIERCHECKY adj. chequered.
CHECKINGchecking v. Present participle of check.
checking n. (Ice hockey) The act of physically keeping an opposing player in check.
checking n. (Informal) A checking account.
CHECKOFFcheckoff n. (US) The collection of union dues or other fees from employees via deductions from their wages.
checkoff n. (US) The optional allocation of part of a citizen’s income tax towards the presidential election campaign fund.
checkoff n. (US) A tax on sales of agricultural goods in order to finance a generic commodity marketing program.
CHECKOUTcheckout n. The process of checking out of a hotel, or the latest time to vacate a room in one.
checkout n. The process of checking out items at a supermarket or library.
checkout n. The place in a supermarket where this is done.
CHECKROWcheckrow v. (Agriculture) To plant seeds at the intersections of a criss-cross pattern previously marked out on the ground.
CHECKROW v. to plant in rows that divides the land into squares.
CHECKSUMchecksum n. (Mathematics, computing) A number, derived by applying a suitable algorithm to some data, used to check…
checksum v. (Mathematics, computing) To compute a checksum.
CHECKSUM n. a numerical summary used to detect errors in data.
CHECKUPScheckups n. Plural of checkup.
check-ups n. Plural of check-up.
CHECKUP n. an examination.
HATCHECKhatcheck n. (US) A room, in a theatre or other such venue, in which hats and other garments may be stored.
hatcheck n. Rare spelling of háček.
HATCHECK n. the receiving of hats for safekeeping.
PAYCHECKpaycheck n. (US) Money received on payday as payment for work performed.
pay␣check n. Alternative form of paycheck.
PAYCHECK n. a check in payment of wages or salary, also PAYCHEQUE.
PINCHECKpincheck n. A kind of sturdy cotton cloth with a dot pattern.
PINCHECK n. a fabric design.
PRECHECKprecheck v. To check in advance.
PRECHECK v. to check beforehand.
RECHECKSrechecks n. Plural of recheck.
rechecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recheck.
RECHECK v. to check again.
UNCHECKSunchecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncheck.
UNCHECK v. (Shakespeare) to fail to check.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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