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There are 19 eight-letter words containing CAPE

AIRSCAPEairscape n. The view of the sky, or an artistic work that visually represents it.
AIRSCAPE n. a view of the earth from an aircraft.
CAPELANScapelans n. Plural of capelan.
CAPELAN n. (French) a small marine fish of northern oceans, also CAPELIN, CAPLIN.
CAPELETScapelets n. Plural of capelet.
CAPELET n. a small cape.
CAPELIKEcapelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a cape (item of clothing).
CAPELIKE adj. like a cape.
CAPELINEcapeline n. (Historical) A steel skullcap formerly worn by members of the military.
capeline n. (Historical) A kind of cavalry helmet seen in the English Civil War.
capeline n. (Historical) A light woollen hood worn by ladies going out to an evening party.
CAPELINScapelins n. Plural of capelin.
CAPELIN n. (French) a small marine fish of northern oceans, also CAPELAN, CAPLIN.
CAPELLETcapellet n. A swelling, like a wen, on the point of the elbow (or the heel of the hock) of a horse, caused probably…
CAPELLET n. (French) a swelling on a horse's hock.
CAPERERScaperers n. Plural of caperer.
CAPERER n. one who capers.
CAPERINGcapering v. Present participle of caper.
capering n. The motion of one who capers.
CAPER v. to leap or skip like a goat.
CAPESKINcapeskin n. A soft sheepskin leather especially used for gloves.
CAPESKIN n. a type of soft leather made from the skins of longhaired sheep or lambs.
CAPEWORKcapework n. The use of a cape, in bullfighting, to distract the bull.
CAPEWORK n. a matador's performance with his cape.
ESCAPEESescapees n. Plural of escapee.
escapées n. Plural of escapée.
ESCAPEE n. a person who has escaped.
ESCAPERSescapers n. Plural of escaper.
ESCAPER n. one that escapes.
ICESCAPEicescape n. An ice-covered landscape.
ICESCAPE n. a landscape covered in ice.
INSCAPESinscapes n. Plural of inscape.
INSCAPE n. the essential inner nature of persons, objects etc.
MANSCAPEmanscape n. A view of a group of people.
manscape n. A landscape that has been shaped by the human race.
manscape n. An image, normally artistic, of the male form.
OUTCAPERoutcaper v. (Transitive) To surpass in capering.
OUTCAPER v. to surpass in capering.
SEASCAPEseascape n. A view of the sea.
seascape n. A piece of art that depicts the sea or shoreline.
SEASCAPE n. a picture representing a scene at sea.
SKYSCAPEskyscape n. The view of the sky, often including the skyline.
SKYSCAPE n. a picture of the sky.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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