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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing CURA

CURABLEcurable adj. Capable of being cured.
CURABLE adj. able to be cured.
CURABLYcurably adv. In a curable manner.
CURABLE adv. able to be cured.
CURACAOcuracao n. Alternative spelling of curaçao.
Curacao prop.n. Alternative spelling of Curaçao.
curaçao n. A liqueur, made from eau-de-vie, sugar and, as flavor, dried peel of sweet and sour oranges, naturally…
CURACOAcuracoa n. Dated form of curaçao.
curaçoa n. Dated form of curaçao.
CURACOA n. a type of liqueur, also CURACAO.
CURAGHScuraghs n. Plural of curagh.
CURAGH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURRACH, CURRAGH.
CURARASCURARA n. (Caribbean) a paralysing poison extracted from the bark of certain South American trees, also CURARE, CURARI, URARE.
CURAREScurares n. Plural of curare.
CURARE n. (Caribbean) a paralysing poison extracted from the bark of certain South American trees, also CURARA, CURARI, URARE.
CURARISCURARI n. (Caribbean) a paralysing poison extracted from the bark of certain South American trees, also CURARA, CURARE, URARE.
CURATEDcurated v. Simple past tense and past participle of curate.
curated adj. Produced by curatorial process; reviewed by a curator.
CURATE v. to act as a curator.
CURATEScurates n. Plural of curate.
CURATE v. to act as a curator.
CURATORcurator n. A person who manages, administers or organizes a collection, either independently or employed by a museum…
curator n. One appointed to act as guardian of the estate of a person not legally competent to manage it, or of…
curator n. A member of a curatorium, a board for electing university professors, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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