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There are 11 seven-letter words containing CRON

ACRONICacronic adj. Synonym of acronycal.
ACRONIC adj. occurring at nightfall or sunset (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONICAL, ACRONYCAL, ACRONYCHAL.
ACRONYMacronym n. (Linguistics) An abbreviation formed by the initial letters of other words, sometimes exclusively such…
acronym n. (Linguistics) An abbreviation formed by the beginning letters or syllables of other words (as "Benelux").
acronym v. To form into an acronym.
BICRONSbicrons n. Plural of bicron.
BICRON n. one billionth of a meter.
CRONETScronets n. Plural of cronet.
CRONET n. (obsolete) the hair growing over the top of a horse's hoof.
CRONIEScronies n. Plural of crony.
CRONY n. a close friend.
CRONISHCRONISH adj. like a crone.
CRONKERCRONK adj. (Australian colloquial) ill; of poor quality.
DACRONSdacrons n. Plural of dacron.
Dacrons n. Plural of Dacron.
DACRON n. a synthetic polyester textile fiber.
MACRONSmacrons n. Plural of macron.
MACRON n. (Greek) a symbol placed over a vowel to indicate a long sound.
MICRONSmicrons n. Plural of micron.
MICRON n. (Greek) a unit of length, also MIKRON.
OMICRONomicron n. (Sometimes capitalized) The 15th letter of the Classical and Modern Greek alphabets (16th in Ancient…
omicron n. (Virology, pathology) Ellipsis of Omicron variant.
Omicron n. (Virology, pathology, uncountable) Ellipsis of Omicron variant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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