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There are 13 seven-letter words containing COST

ACCOSTSaccosts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accost.
accosts n. Plural of accost.
ACCOST v. to approach and speak to.
ALECOSTalecost n. The plant costmary (Tanacetum balsamita), formerly much used for flavouring ale.
ALECOST n. a garden plant having a strong balsamic smell and used to flavour ale, aka costmary.
COSTALSCOSTAL n. a rib which supports an insect's wing.
COSTARDcostard n. (Britain) A large cooking apple.
costard n. The tree on which large cooking apples grow.
costard n. (Archaic, humorous) The human head.
COSTARScostars n. Plural of costar.
costars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of costar.
co-stars n. Plural of co-star.
COSTATEcostate adj. Having ribs, or the appearance of ribs.
costate adj. (Botany) Having one or more longitudinal ribs.
costate n. (International law) A state in alliance with another state.
COSTEANcostean v. (Mining) To search for lodes by sinking small pits through the superficial deposits to the solid rock…
COSTEAN v. in mining, to sink pits through the surface soil to the underlying rock in order to establish the direction of a lode.
COSTERScosters n. Plural of coster.
Costers prop.n. Plural of Coster.
COSTER n. a seller of fruit and vegetables.
COSTINGcosting v. Present participle of cost.
costing n. The estimation of the cost of a process or product.
COSTING n. an estimation of the cost of something.
COSTIVEcostive adj. Constipated.
costive adj. Miserly, parsimonious.
COSTIVE adj. affected with constipation, causing constipation.
COSTRELcostrel n. (Archaic) A bottle of earthenware, leather, or wood, having ears by which it was suspended at the side.
COSTREL n. an eared bottle or small flask, to be hung at the waist.
COSTUMEcostume n. A style of dress, including garments, accessories and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular…
costume n. An outfit or a disguise worn as fancy dress etc.
costume n. A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season.
ONCOSTSoncosts n. Plural of oncost.
ONCOST n. (Scots) an overhead expense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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