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There are 15 seven-letter words containing CORD

ACCORDSaccords n. Plural of accord.
accords v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accord.
ACCORD v. to bring into agreement.
CAMCORDcamcord v. (Rare, transitive) To record using a camcorder.
CAMCORD v. to videotape with a portable camcorder.
CONCORDconcord n. A state of agreement; harmony; union.
concord n. (Obsolete) Agreement by stipulation; compact; covenant; treaty or league.
concord n. (Grammar) Agreement of words with one another, in gender, number, person or case.
CORDAGEcordage n. (Nautical) A set of ropes and cords, especially that used for a ship’s rigging.
cordage n. (Obsolete) An amount of wood measured in cords.
CORDAGE n. ropes in the rigging of a ship.
CORDATEcordate n. (Philosophy) Any animal with a heart.
cordate n. (Archaeology) A heart-shaped hand axe.
cordate n. Misspelling of chordate.
CORDERScorders n. Plural of corder.
Corders prop.n. Plural of Corder.
CORDER n. a person who or thing which fastens with a cord or forms a cord.
CORDIALcordial adj. Hearty; sincere; warm; affectionate.
cordial adj. Radiating warmth and friendliness; genial.
cordial adj. (Rare) Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate; giving strength or spirits.
CORDINGcording n. Decorative cord, often wrapped in colored fabric or foil.
cording n. The resultant decoration, or the act of decorating with cording.
cording v. Present participle of cord.
CORDITEcordite n. A smokeless propellent made by combining two high explosives, nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine, used…
CORDITE n. a smokeless explosive used in guns, made from guncotton, nitroglycerine, and petroleum jelly.
CORDOBAcordoba n. Alternative form of córdoba, currency of Nicaragua.
Cordoba prop.n. Alternative form of Córdoba.
córdoba n. The currency of Nicaragua, divided into 100 centavos.
CORDONScordons n. Plural of cordon.
Cordons prop.n. Plural of Cordon.
CORDON v. to form a barrier around.
DISCORDdiscord n. Lack of concord, agreement or harmony.
discord n. Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension.
discord n. (Music) An inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; a dissonance.
RECORDSrecords n. Plural of record.
records v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of record.
Records prop.n. Plural of Record.
RIPCORDripcord n. A cord to release a parachute from its sack.
RIPCORD n. a cord to release a parachute.
UNCORDSuncords v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncord.
UNCORD v. to free from cords.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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