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There are 19 seven-letter words containing COND

ABSCONDabscond v. (Intransitive) To flee, often secretly; to steal away.
abscond v. (Intransitive) To hide, to be in hiding or concealment.
abscond v. (Transitive, uncommon) To evade, to hide or flee from.
CONDEMNcondemn v. (Transitive) To strongly criticise or denounce; to excoriate the perpetrators of.
condemn v. (Transitive) To judicially pronounce (someone) guilty.
condemn v. (Transitive) To judicially announce a verdict upon a finding of guilt; To sentence.
CONDERSconders n. Plural of conder.
Conders prop.n. Plural of Conder.
CONDER n. a person who, stationed on high ground, signals the direction taken by shoals of herring etc. to a fishing boat.
CONDIESCondies prop.n. Plural of Condie.
CONDIE n. a covered drain, also CUNDY.
CONDIGNcondign adj. (Rare) Fitting, appropriate, deserved, especially denoting punishment.
CONDIGN adj. deserved, appropriate.
CONDOESCONDO n. (short for) a condominium, a set of flats, group of cottages, etc. rented or bought by a group of people.
CONDOLEcondole v. (Intransitive) To express sympathetic sorrow; to lament in sympathy (with someone on something).
condole v. (Transitive) To condole with (someone).
condole v. (Transitive) To say in an expression of sympathy.
CONDOMScondoms n. Plural of condom.
CONDOM n. a prophylactic.
CONDONEcondone v. (Transitive) To forgive, excuse or overlook (something that is considered morally wrong, offensive…
condone v. (Transitive) To allow, accept or permit (something that is considered morally wrong, offensive, or generally…
condone v. (Transitive, law) To forgive (marital infidelity or other marital offense).
CONDORScondors n. Plural of condor.
CONDOR n. (Quechua) a coin of Chile.
CONDUCEconduce v. (Intransitive, formal) To contribute or lead to a specific result.
CONDUCE v. to contribute to a result.
CONDUCTconduct n. The act or method of controlling or directing.
conduct n. Skillful guidance or management.
conduct n. Behaviour; the manner of behaving.
CONDUITconduit n. A pipe or channel for conveying water, etc.
conduit n. A duct or tube into which electrical cables may be pulled; a type of raceway.
conduit n. (Figurative) A means by which something is transmitted.
CONDYLEcondyle n. (Anatomy) A smooth prominence on a bone where it forms a joint with another bone.
CONDYLE n. a protuberance on a bone.
SECONDEseconde n. (Fencing) The second defensive position, with the sword hand held at waist height, with the hand held…
SECONDE n. (French) in fencing, a position in parrying.
SECONDIsecondi n. Plural of secondo.
SECONDO n. (Italian) the second part in a concerted piece.
SECONDOsecondo n. (Music) The second part in a concerted piece.
SECONDO n. (Italian) the second part in a concerted piece.
SECONDSseconds n. Plural of second.
seconds n. A second helping of food for one person, or refill of coffee or other drink.
seconds n. An item of clothing that has failed quality control and is sold at a discount.
WACONDAWaconda prop.n. Dated form of Wakanda.
WACONDA n. (Native American) a supernatural force in Sioux belief, also WAHCONDA, WAKANDA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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