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There are 18 seven-letter words containing COLO

BICOLORbicolor adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of bicolour.
bicolor n. (American spelling) Alternative form of bicolour.
BICOLOR n. something having two colors, also BICOLOUR.
COLOBIDcolobid n. (Zoology) Any member of the Colobidae.
COLOBID n. the colobus monkey.
COLOBUScolobus n. (Zoology) Any of several large arboreal African monkeys of the genus Colobus.
Colobus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cercopithecidae – the black-and-white colobuses.
COLOBUS n. (Greek) a long-tailed monkey.
COLOGNEcologne n. (Cosmetics) A type of perfume consisting of 2-5% essential oils, 70-90 % alcohol and water.
Cologne prop.n. The largest city in North Rhine-Westphalia, in northwestern Germany, on the Rhine River.
Cologne prop.n. A city and town in Minnesota, United States.
COLONELcolonel n. A commissioned officer in an armed military organization, typically the highest rank before flag officer…
colonel v. (Intransitive) To act as or like a colonel.
Colonel n. (Military) The military officer title.
COLONEScolones n. Plural of colón.
colones n. Plural of colone.
COLONE n. (Spanish) a monetary unit of Costa Rica, also COLON.
COLONICcolonic adj. Of, relating to, affecting or within the colon.
colonic n. An enema.
COLONIC n. irrigation of the colon.
COLONUScolonus n. (Historical) A sharecropping tenant farmer of the late Roman Empire and Early Middle Ages.
COLONUS n. (Latin) a freeborn serf.
COLOREDcolored adj. (American spelling) Having a color.
colored adj. Having a particular color or kind of color.
colored adj. Having prominent colors; colorful.
COLORERcolorer n. One who colors.
COLORER n. one that colors, also COLOURER.
COLOSSIcolossi n. Plural of colossus.
COLOSSUS n. (Latin) a person or organization of gigantic power and influence.
COLOURScolours n. Plural of colour.
colours n. (Nautical) Flag denoting the nationality of a vessel, flown from the stern.
colours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of colour.
COLOURYcoloury adj. Having plenty of colour; colorful.
COLOURY adj. full of colour, also COLORY.
DECOLORdecolor v. US spelling of decolour.
DECOLOR v. to deprive of color, also DECOLOUR.
ECOLOGYecology n. (Biology) The branch of biology dealing with the relationships of organisms with their environment and…
ECOLOGY n. the study of the interrelationships between life forms and their environment, also OECOLOGY.
PICCOLOpiccolo n. (Music, obsolete) A piccolo piano.
piccolo n. A transverse flute that is smaller than a Western concert flute and pitched nearly an octave higher.
piccolo n. (Music, rare) An organ stop with the tone of a piccolo flute.
RECOLORrecolor v. To color again or differently.
recolor n. The process of changing the color or something.
recolor n. An object that has had its color changed.
ZOCCOLOzoccolo n. (Architecture) A plinth.
zoccolo n. (Historical) A kind of ancient clog, consisting of a thick wooden sole and leather strap.
ZOCCOLO n. (Italian) a plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall, column etc., also ZOCCO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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