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There are 16 seven-letter words containing CART

CARTAGEcartage n. The transport of goods by cart; carting.
cartage n. Any vehicular transportation of goods.
cartage n. A charge made for such transport.
CARTELScartels n. Plural of cartel.
CARTEL n. (French) a manufacturers' agreement or association formed to control marketing arrangements, regulate prices, etc.
CARTERScarters n. Plural of carter.
CARTER n. one who drives a cart.
CARTFULcartful n. As much as a cart will hold.
CARTFUL n. the contents of a cart.
CARTINGcarting v. Present participle of cart.
carting n. The transporting of someone in a cart through the streets as part of a public punishment or humiliation.
CART v. to convey in a two wheeled vehicle.
CARTONScartons n. Plural of carton.
cartons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carton.
CARTON v. to pack in a cardboard box.
CARTOONcartoon n. (Comics) A humorous drawing, often with a caption, or a strip of such drawings.
cartoon n. (Comics) A drawing satirising current public figures.
cartoon n. (Art) An artist’s preliminary sketch.
CARTWAYcartway n. A way or road for carts.
CARTWAY n. a way used by carts.
DOGCARTdogcart n. Alternative form of dog cart.
dog␣cart n. A cart drawn by a dog.
dog␣cart n. A two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with two transverse seats back to back. The rear seat originally…
ECARTESECARTE n. (French) a card game.
OXCARTSoxcarts n. Plural of oxcart.
OXCART n. a cart drawn by an ox.
SCARTEDscarted v. Simple past tense and past participle of scart.
SCART v. to scratch, scrape, also SCRAT.
SCARTHSSCARTH n. (Scots) a cormorant, also SCART, SKART, SKARTH.
TEACARTteacart n. A mobile cart from which tea (the drink) is distributed or sold.
tea␣cart n. A table on wheels used to take food or drinks from the kitchen to the dining-room.
TEACART n. a trolley used for serving tea.
TIPCARTtipcart n. A cart constructed so that the body can be easily tipped, in order to dump the load.
TIPCART n. a cart so constructed that the body can be easily tipped, in order to dump the load.
UNCARTSuncarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncart.
UNCART v. to take off a cart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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