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There are 14 seven-letter words containing CAPS

CAPSIDScapsids n. Plural of capsid.
CAPSID n. the outer shell of a virus particle.
CAPSIZEcapsize v. (Intransitive, nautical) To overturn.
capsize v. (Transitive, nautical) To cause (a ship) to overturn.
capsize v. (Intransitive, of knots) To deform under stress.
CAPSTANcapstan n. (Nautical) A vertical cylindrical machine that revolves on a spindle, used to apply force to ropes…
capstan n. (Electronics) A rotating spindle used to move recording tape through the mechanism of a tape recorder.
CAPSTAN n. an upright device for winding in heavy ropes or cables.
CAPSULEcapsule n. (Physiology) A membranous envelope.
capsule n. (Botany) A type of simple, dehiscent, dry fruit (seed-case) produced by many species of flowering plants…
capsule n. (Botany) A sporangium, especially in bryophytes.
ENDCAPSendcaps n. Plural of endcap.
end␣caps n. Plural of end cap.
ENDCAP n. a display of products at the end of an aisle in a store.
GELCAPSgelcaps n. Plural of gelcap.
GELCAP n. a dose of medicine enclosed in a soluble cap of gelatine.
HUBCAPShubcaps n. Plural of hubcap.
hub␣caps n. Plural of hub cap.
HUBCAP n. a covering for the hub of a wheel.
ICECAPSicecaps n. Plural of icecap.
ice-caps n. Plural of ice-cap.
ice␣caps n. Plural of ice cap.
MADCAPSmadcaps n. Plural of madcap.
MADCAP n. an impulsive person.
MOBCAPSmobcaps n. Plural of mobcap.
mob␣caps n. Plural of mob cap.
MOBCAP n. a plain cap or headdress for women or girls; esp. one tying under the chin.
MUDCAPSmudcaps n. Plural of mudcap.
mudcaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mudcap.
mud␣caps n. Plural of mud cap.
REDCAPSredcaps n. Plural of redcap.
red␣caps n. Plural of red cap.
REDCAP n. a military police officer.
SKYCAPSskycaps n. Plural of skycap.
SKYCAP n. a porter in an airport.
TOECAPStoecaps n. Plural of toecap.
toe␣caps n. Plural of toe cap.
TOECAP n. a covering for the front of a boot or shoe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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