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There are 8 six-letter words containing CULE

ACULEIaculei n. Plural of aculeus.
ACULEUS n. (Latin) a prickle growing on the bark, as in some brambles and roses.
CULETSculets n. Plural of culet.
CULET n. (French) the flat back or base of a gemstone.
LOCULElocule n. (Zoology) A little hollow; a loculus.
locule n. (Botany) Any of the cells of a compound ovary of a plant.
LOCULE n. a small, cell-like chamber, also LOCULUS.
MACULEmacule n. A spot.
macule n. A blur or an appearance of a double impression, as when the paper slips a little during printing.
macule v. (Printing) To blur or be blurred; especially to blur or double an impression from type.
NUCULEnucule n. (Rare) A section of a compound fruit; a nutlet; a small nut.
nucule n. The oogonium of a charophyte.
NUCULE n. the stone of a fleshy fruit.
OSCULEoscule n. Obsolete form of osculum.
OSCULE n. a small mouthlike aperture e.g. in a sponge.
RECULErecule v. (Obsolete) To recoil or retreat; to draw back.
RECULE v. (Spenser) to recoil, also RECOYLE, RECUILE, REQUOYLE.
VOCULEvocule n. (Phonetics) A short or weak utterance; a faint or feeble sound, as when separating the lips in pronouncing p or b.
VOCULE n. a slight vowel sound completing the articulation of certain consonants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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