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There are 9 six-letter words containing CODE

CODECScodecs n. Plural of codec.
CODEC n. a piece of software for coding an analogue signal to digital and decoding it back at the other end.
CODEIAcodeia n. (Medicine) Synonym of codeine.
CODEIA n. a narcotic alkaloid, also CODEIN, CODEINA, CODEINE.
CODEINcodein n. Alternative form of codeine.
CODEIN n. a narcotic alkaloid, also CODEIA, CODEINA, CODEINE.
CODEN n. a coding classification.
CODERScoders n. Plural of coder.
Coders prop.n. Plural of Coder.
CODER n. one who writes code.
DECODEdecode v. To convert from an encrypted form to plain text.
decode v. To figure out something difficult to interpret.
decode n. (Cryptography) A product of decoding.
ENCODEencode v. (Transitive) To convert (plain text) into code.
encode v. (Transitive, communication) To convert source information into another form.
encode v. (Biology) To constitute the code necessary for the biosynthesis of a protein by means of a matrix so…
OPCODEopcode n. (Computing) A mnemonic used to refer to a microprocessor instruction in assembly language.
OPCODE n. a code containing operation instructions for a microprocessor.
RECODErecode v. To code again or differently.
RECODE v. to code again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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