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There are 4 six-letter words containing CILE

ANCILEancile n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) The sacred shield of the Ancient Romans, said to have fallen from heaven…
ANCILE n. (Latin) the sacred shield of the Romans, the palladium of Rome, said to have fallen from heaven in the reign of Numa.
DECILEdecile n. (Statistics) Any of the values in a series that divides the distribution of individuals in that series…
decile n. Any one of the ten subsets or groups so divided.
decile n. (Astrology) An aspect or position of two planets when they are distant from each other a tenth part of the zodiac.
DOCILEdocile adj. Ready to accept instruction or direction; obedient; subservient.
docile adj. Yielding to control or supervision, direction, or management.
DOCILE adj. compliant.
FACILEfacile adj. Easy, now especially in a disparaging sense; contemptibly easy.
facile adj. (Now rare) Amiable, flexible, easy to get along with.
facile adj. Effortless, fluent (Of work, abilities etc.).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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