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There are 17 six-letter words containing CHAR

ACHARSachars n. Plural of achar.
ACHAR n. a spicy pickle made primarily from mango, used in Indian cooking.
CHARAScharas n. Cannabis resin, used as an intoxicant in India.
CHARAS n. (Hindi) the resinous exudation of hashish, a narcotic and intoxicant, also CHURRUS.
CHARDSchards n. Plural of chard.
Chards n. Plural of Chard.
CHARD n. the edible leafstalk of a variety of white beet.
CHAREDchared v. Simple past tense and past participle of chare.
CHARE v. to do odd jobs of work, to do housecleaning, also CHORE.
CHARESchares n. Plural of chare.
chares v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chare.
CHARE v. to do odd jobs of work, to do housecleaning, also CHORE.
CHARETcharet n. Alternative spelling of charret.
CHARET n. (Spenser) a chariot.
CHARGEcharge n. The amount of money levied for a service.
charge n. (Military) A ground attack against a prepared enemy.
charge n. A forceful forward movement.
CHARKAcharka n. Alternative form of charkha (Indian spinning-wheel).
CHARKA n. (Urdu) a spinning wheel, also CHARKHA.
CHARKScharks n. Plural of chark.
charks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chark.
CHARK v. to burn wood etc. to charcoal.
CHARMScharms n. Plural of charm.
charms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of charm.
CHARM v. to enchant.
CHARROcharro n. A type of Mexican horseman.
charro n. (Usually in the plural) Short for charro bean.
CHARRO n. (Spanish) a Mexican cowboy, esp. one elaborately dressed.
CHARRScharrs n. Plural of charr.
CHARR n. a small fish of the salmon family.
CHARRYcharry adj. (Wine) Having a flavour of charred wood.
charry adj. Relating to charcoal, or partaking of its qualities.
CHARRY adj. resembling charcoal.
CHARTACHARTA n. (Latin) a charter, also CARTA.
CHARTScharts n. Plural of chart.
charts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chart.
CHART v. to map out.
ECHARDechard n. (Dated) The portion of water in a sample of soil that is not available to vegetation.
Echard prop.n. A surname.
ECHARD n. the total quantity of water in the soil not available to plants.
ESCHAReschar n. (Medicine) A superficial structure of dead tissue, usually hardened, commonly, but not necessarily dark…
eschar n. (Loose or obsolete) Any hard, dark, commonly flattened or sunken lesion or crust, especially on a burn…
eschar n. (Figurative or literary) The emotional imprint of a trauma such as grief, loss, or degradation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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