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There are 19 six-letter words containing CANT

ACANTHacanth n. Acanthus.
acanth- pref. With thorns.
ACANTH n. a prickly plant with toothed leaves, also ACANTHUS, ACANTHA.
CANTALcantal n. Alternative letter-case form of Cantal.
Cantal n. A type of cheese originally made in the south of France.
Cantal prop.n. One of the départements in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France (INSEE code 15).
CANTARcantar n. Alternative spelling of kantar.
CANTAR n. (Arabic) a Turkish unit of weight equal to approximately 100 pounds, also KANTAR.
CANTEDcanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of cant.
canted adj. Having angles.
canted adj. Inclined at an angle to something else; sloping.
CANTERcanter n. A gait of a horse between a trot and a gallop, consisting of three beats and a "suspension" phase, where…
canter n. A ride on a horse at such speed.
canter v. (Intransitive) To move at such pace.
CANTHIcanthi n. Plural of canthus.
CANTHUS n. (Latin) a corner of the eye.
CANTICcantic adj. Angled.
cantic adj. Oblique, slanting.
cantic adj. Canting.
CANTLEcantle n. (Obsolete) A splinter, slice, or sliver broken off something.
cantle n. The raised back of a saddle.
cantle n. (Scotland) The top of the head.
CANTONcanton n. A division of a political unit.
canton n. A small community or clan.
canton n. A subdivision of a flag, the rectangular inset on the upper hoist (i.e., flagpole) side (e.g., the stars…
CANTORcantor n. Singer, especially someone who takes a special role of singing or song leading at a ceremony.
cantor n. A prayer leader in a Jewish service; a hazzan.
Cantor prop.n. A surname.
CANTOScantos n. Plural of canto.
Cantos prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
CANTO n. (Italian) a division of a long poem.
CANTUSCANTUS n. (Latin) a melody or chant, esp. in mediaeval ecclesiastical music.
DECANTdecant v. (Transitive) To pour off (a liquid) gently, so as not to disturb the sediment.
decant v. (Transitive) To pour from one vessel into another.
decant v. (Archaic, intransitive) To flow.
INCANTincant v. (Rare) To state solemnly, to chant.
incant v. To recite an incantation.
INCANT v. to utter ritually.
RECANTrecant v. (Transitive, intransitive) To withdraw or repudiate a statement or opinion formerly expressed, especially…
recant v. To give a new cant (slant, angle) to something, in particular railway track on a curve.
RECANT v. to make a formal retraction.
SCANTSscants n. Plural of scant.
scants n. A type of underwear worn by men.
SCANT v. to cut short, to spare.
SCANTYscanty adj. Somewhat less than is needed in amplitude or extent.
scanty adj. Sparing; niggardly; parsimonious; stingy.
SCANTY adj. poorly supplied.
SECANTsecant n. (Geometry) A straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points.
secant n. (Trigonometry) In a right triangle, the reciprocal of the cosine of an angle. Symbol: sec.
secant adj. That cuts or divides.
VACANTvacant adj. Not occupied; empty.
vacant adj. Showing no intelligence or interest.
VACANT adj. empty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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