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There are 6 five-letter words containing CHIN

CHINAchina n. (Uncountable) Synonym of porcelain, a hard white translucent ceramic made from kaolin, now (chiefly…
china n. (Uncountable) Chinaware: porcelain tableware.
china n. (Uncountable, chiefly US, dated) Cheaper and lower-quality ceramic and ceramic tableware, distinguished…
CHINEchine n. The top of a ridge.
chine n. The spine of an animal.
chine n. A piece of the backbone of an animal, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking.
CHINGching n. A pair of small bowl-shaped finger cymbals made of thick and heavy bronze, used in the music of Thailand and Cambodia.
ching interj. The sound of metal or glass clinking.
ching n. (Countable) A ringing sound, as of metal or glass being struck.
CHINKchink n. A narrow opening such as a fissure or crack.
chink n. A chip or dent in something metallic.
chink n. (Figuratively) A vulnerability or flaw in a protection system or in any otherwise formidable system.
CHINOchino n. A coarse cotton fabric commonly used to make trousers and uniforms.
Chino prop.n. A surname.
Chino prop.n. A city in San Bernardino County, California, United States.
CHINSchins n. Plural of chin.
chins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chin.
CHIN v. to hold with the lower part of the face.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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