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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing CROC

MACROCEPHALIASMACROCEPHALIA n. the condition of having an abnormally large brain, also MACRENCEPHALIA, MACRENCEPHALY.
MACROCEPHALIESmacrocephalies n. Plural of macrocephaly.
MACROCEPHALY n. largeness, or abnormal largeness, of the head.
MACROCEPHALOUSmacrocephalous adj. Having a large head.
macrocephalous adj. Having the cotyledons of a dicotyledonous embryo confluent, and forming a large mass compared with the…
MACROCEPHALOUS adj. having a large head.
MICROCASSETTESmicrocassettes n. Plural of microcassette.
MICROCASSETTE n. a small cassette of magnetic tape.
MICROCELEBRITYmicrocelebrity n. (Uncountable) Celebrity on a small scale or in a specific area.
microcelebrity n. (Countable) A celebrity whose fame is on a small scale or in a specific area.
micro-celebrity n. Alternative form of microcelebrity.
MICROCEPHALICSmicrocephalics n. Plural of microcephalic.
MICROCEPHALIC n. someone with a very small head.
MICROCEPHALIESmicrocephalies n. Plural of microcephaly.
MICROCEPHALY n. the state of having a small head.
MICROCEPHALOUSmicrocephalous adj. Microcephalic.
MICROCHEMISTRYmicrochemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical techniques for preparing, handling, and analyzing small quantities of chemical…
microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical processes that take place in very small regions, such as on the grain boundaries of a metal.
MICROCHEMISTRY adj. small-scale chemistry.
MICROCIRCUITRYmicrocircuitry n. (Electronics) Any system constructed of microcircuits.
MICROCIRCUITRY n. circuitry composed of microcircuits.
MICROCOMPONENTmicrocomponent n. Any very small component.
MICROCOMPONENT n. a very small component.
MICROCOMPUTERSmicrocomputers n. Plural of microcomputer.
MICROCOMPUTER n. a small computer usually equipped with a microprocessor.
MICROCOMPUTINGmicrocomputing n. The use of microcomputers.
MICROCOMPUTING n. computing with a microcomputer.
SACROCOCCYGEALsacrococcygeal adj. (Medicine) Having to do with the sacrum and coccyx.
SACROCOCCYGEAL adj. relating to the sacrum and the coccyx.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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