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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing CYTO

ASTROCYTOMATAastrocytomata n. Plural of astrocytoma.
ASTROCYTOMA n. a tumour of the central nervous system.
CYTOCHALASINScytochalasins n. Plural of cytochalasin.
CYTOCHALASIN n. any of a group of metabolites isolated from fungi that inhibit various cell processes.
CYTOCHEMISTRYcytochemistry n. (Biochemistry) The biochemistry of cells, especially that of the macromolecules responsible for cell…
CYTOCHEMISTRY n. microscopic biochemistry.
CYTODIAGNOSEScytodiagnoses n. Plural of cytodiagnosis.
CYTODIAGNOSIS n. medical diagnosis following the close examination of the cells of the body tissues or fluids, e.g. the smear test for cervical cancer.
CYTODIAGNOSIScytodiagnosis n. (Pathology) diagnosis by means of a study of the cells present in a sample.
CYTODIAGNOSIS n. medical diagnosis following the close examination of the cells of the body tissues or fluids, e.g. the smear test for cervical cancer.
CYTOGENETICALcytogenetical adj. Cytogenetic.
CYTOGENETICAL adj. relating to cytogenetics, also CYTOGENETIC.
CYTOLOGICALLYcytologically adv. By means of cytology.
CYTOLOGICAL adv. relating to cytology, the study of living cells, also CYTOLOGIC.
CYTOMEMBRANEScytomembranes n. Plural of cytomembrane.
CYTOMEMBRANE n. one of the cellular membranes including those of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus.
CYTOPATHOLOGYcytopathology n. (Cytology, pathology) The branch of pathology that deals with abnormalities of cells.
CYTOPATHOLOGY n. the study of cells in illness.
CYTOSKELETONScytoskeletons n. Plural of cytoskeleton.
CYTOSKELETON n. the network of protein filaments and microtubules in the cytoplasm that controls cell shape, maintains intracellular organization, and is involved in cell movement.
CYTOTAXONOMICcytotaxonomic adj. (Taxonomy) Relating to cytotaxonomy.
CYTOTAXONOMIC adj. relating to cytotaxonomy.
HEMACYTOMETERhemacytometer n. Alternative spelling of hemocytometer.
HEMACYTOMETER n. an instrument for counting blood cells, also HAEMACYTOMETER, HAEMOCYTOMETER, HEMOCYTOMETER.
HEMOCYTOMETERhemocytometer n. A device used to count the number of blood cells in a volume of blood.
HEMOCYTOMETER n. an instrument for counting blood cells, also HAEMACYTOMETER, HAEMOCYTOMETER, HEMACYTOMETER.
LYMPHOCYTOSESlymphocytoses n. Plural of lymphocytosis.
LYMPHOCYTOSIS n. a great increase in leukocytes.
LYMPHOCYTOSISlymphocytosis n. (Pathology) An increase in the number or proportion of lymphocytes in the blood.
LYMPHOCYTOSIS n. a great increase in leukocytes.
LYMPHOCYTOTIClymphocytotic adj. Relating to lymphocytosis.
LYMPHOCYTOTIC adj. relating to lymphocytosis, a great increase in leukocytes.
PANCYTOPENIASpancytopenias n. Plural of pancytopenia.
PANCYTOPENIA n. an abnormal reduction in the number of erythrocytes, white blood cells, and blood platelets in the blood.
PHAGOCYTOSINGphagocytosing v. Present participle of phagocytose.
PHAGOCYTOSE v. to subject to phagocytic action.
SPHEROCYTOSESspherocytoses n. Plural of spherocytosis.
SPHEROCYTOSIS n. the presence of spherocytes in the blood, as in certain haemolytic anaemias.
SPHEROCYTOSISspherocytosis n. (Pathology) A medical condition in which the red blood cells are globular spheres, rather than having…
SPHEROCYTOSIS n. the presence of spherocytes in the blood, as in certain haemolytic anaemias.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 160 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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