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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing CLOP

CYCLOPAEDISTSCYCLOPAEDIST n. one who writes encyclopaedias.
CYCLOPARAFFINcycloparaffin n. (Chemistry) A cycloalkane.
CYCLOPARAFFIN n. a saturated hydrocarbon containing a ring of carbon atoms joined by single bonds, aka cycloalkane.
CYCLOPENTANEScyclopentanes n. Plural of cyclopentane.
CYCLOPENTANE n. a colourless insoluble cycloalkane found in petroleum and used mainly as a solvent.
CYCLOPROPANEScyclopropanes n. Plural of cyclopropane.
CYCLOPROPANE n. a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon sometimes used as a general anesthetic.
ENCYCLOPAEDIAencyclopaedia n. (Chiefly UK, Australia) Alternative spelling of encyclopedia.
encyclopædia n. Archaic spelling of encyclopedia.
ENCYCLOPAEDIA n. a work containing information on every branch, or on a particular branch, of knowledge, also ENCYCLOPEDIA.
ENCYCLOPAEDICencyclopaedic adj. Alternative spelling of encyclopedic.
encyclopædic adj. Alternative spelling of encyclopedic.
ENCYCLOPAEDIC adj. like an encyclopaedia, comprehensive, also ENCYCLOPEDIC, ENCYCLOPAEDICAL, ENCYCLOPEDICAL.
ENCYCLOPEDIANencyclopedian adj. Encyclopedic; embracing the whole circle of learning, or a wide range of subjects.
encyclopedian n. A person who has an encyclopedic knowledge.
ENCYCLOPEDIAN adj. embracing the whole circle of learning.
ENCYCLOPEDIASencyclopedias n. Plural of encyclopedia.
ENCYCLOPEDIA n. a work containing information on every branch, or on a particular branch, of knowledge, also ENCYCLOPAEDIA.
ENCYCLOPEDISMencyclopedism n. Encyclopedic knowledge or learning.
ENCYCLOPEDISM n. the state of being encyclopedic, also ENCYCLOPAEDISM.
ENCYCLOPEDISTencyclopedist n. A member of a group of French authors who collaborated in the 18th century in the production of the…
encyclopedist n. A person helping to write an encyclopedia.
ENCYCLOPEDIST n. one who compiles or writes for an encyclopedia, also ENCYCLOPAEDIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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