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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 8 thirteen-letter words containing CALE

CALEFACTORIEScalefactories n. Plural of calefactory.
CALEFACTORY n. a monastery sitting room.
CALENDARISINGcalendarising v. Present participle of calendarise.
CALENDARISE v. in accounting, to divide (something, e.g. a budget) into equal units of time within a year (usually months), also CALENDARIZE.
CALENDARIZINGcalendarizing v. Present participle of calendarize.
CALENDARIZE v. in accounting, to divide (something, e.g. a budget) into equal units of time within a year (usually months), also CALENDARISE.
DECALESCENCESdecalescences n. Plural of decalescence.
DECALESCENCE n. the point in heating metal where it appears to cool.
INCALESCENCESincalescences n. Plural of incalescence.
INCALESCENCE n. the process or action of becoming warm or hot.
RECALESCENCESrecalescences n. Plural of recalescence.
RECALESCENCE n. the renewed glowing of iron at a certain stage of cooling from white heat.
SCALENOHEDRONscalenohedron n. (Geometry, mineralogy, crystallography) A polyhedron having twelve sides, each in the form of a scalene…
SCALENOHEDRON n. a hemihedral form bounded in the hexagonal system by twelve, in the tetragonal by eight, faces, each a scalene triangle.
SUPERCALENDERsupercalender n. A stack of calenders consisting of alternating steel and fiber-covered rolls through which paper is…
supercalender v. (Transitive) To pass (paper) through a supercalender.
SUPERCALENDER v. to give a high polish to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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