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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing CTIT

CORRECTITUDEcorrectitude n. The quality of being correct.
CORRECTITUDE n. correctness or propriety of conduct.
FACTITIOUSLYfactitiously adv. In a factitious manner.
FACTITIOUS adv. contrived, artificial.
FICTITIOUSLYfictitiously adv. In a fictitious manner.
FICTITIOUS adv. of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction, imaginary.
INEXACTITUDEinexactitude n. A lack of exactness; something inexact or imprecise.
INEXACTITUDE n. lack of exactitude.
JACTITATIONSjactitations n. Plural of jactitation.
JACTITATION n. restless tossing in bed, characteristic of severe fevers and certain mental disorders, also JACTATION.
NICTITATIONSnictitations n. Plural of nictitation.
NICTITATION n. the act of winking, also NICTATION.
NYCTITROPISMnyctitropism n. (Botany) Synonym of nyctinasty.
NYCTITROPISM n. the assumption by plants of certain positions at night, esp. ones different from daytime positions.
PRACTITIONERpractitioner n. A person who practices a profession or art, especially law or medicine.
practitioner n. One who does anything customarily or habitually.
practitioner n. (Dated) A sly or artful person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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