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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing CREM

CREMAILLEREcrémaillère n. An indented or zigzagging line of entrenchment used in fortification.
CREMAILLERE n. (French) a zigzag line of fortification.
CREMATORIALcrematorial adj. Of or relating to cremation or a crematory.
CREMATORIAL adj. relating to a crematorium.
CREMATORIEScrematories n. Plural of crematory.
CREMATORY n. a place where bodies are cremated, also CREMATORIUM.
CREMATORIUMcrematorium n. A place where the bodies of dead people are cremated.
CREMATORIUM n. a place where bodies are cremated, also CREMATORY.
DECREMENTALdecremental adj. Pertaining to a decrement.
decremental adj. Decreasing.
DECREMENTAL adj. having the nature of a decrement.
DECREMENTEDdecremented v. Simple past tense and past participle of decrement.
DECREMENT v. to decrease.
EXCREMENTALexcremental adj. Of or pertaining to excrement.
EXCREMENTAL adj. relating to excrement, also EXCREMENTITIAL.
EXCREMENTUMEXCREMENTUM n. (Latin) waste material or rubbish.
INCREMATINGincremating v. Present participle of incremate.
INCREMATE v. (obsolete) to cremate.
INCREMATIONincremation n. Burning; especially, the act of burning a dead body; cremation.
INCREMATION n. the act of incremating.
INCREMENTALincremental adj. Pertaining to an increment.
incremental adj. Occurring over a series of gradual increments, or small steps.
INCREMENTAL adj. of the nature of an increment.
INCREMENTEDincremented v. Simple past tense and past participle of increment.
INCREMENT v. to add 1 to the value in a storage location.
RECREMENTALrecremental adj. Recrementitious.
RECREMENTAL adj. relating to recrement, a secretion of the body absorbed again by the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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