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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing CORE

CORECIPIENTcorecipient n. A joint recipient; one of several people who receive something.
CORECIPIENT n. a joint recipient.
COREDEEMINGcoredeeming v. Present participle of coredeem.
COREDEEM v. to redeem jointly.
CORELATIONScorelations n. Plural of corelation.
co-relations n. Plural of co-relation.
CORELATION n. correspondence, also CORRELATION.
CORELATIVEScorelatives n. Plural of corelative.
CORELATIVE n. a person or thing correspondingly related to another person or thing, also CORRELATIVE.
COREOPSISEScoreopsises n. Plural of coreopsis.
COREOPSIS n. a genus of herbaceous composite plants, mostly American.
COREPRESSORcorepressor n. (Genetics) Any substance that reacts with a genetic repressor in order to activate it and decrease gene expression.
COREPRESSOR n. a small molecule that activates a particular genetic repressor by combining with it.
COREQUISITEcorequisite n. (Education) A course that must be or can be taken concurrently with a given course.
COREQUISITE n. a formal course of study required to be taken simultaneously with another.
CORESIDENTScoresidents n. Plural of coresident.
CORESIDENT n. a fellow resident.
EIGHTSCORESEIGHTSCORE n. eight times twenty.
GOALSCORERSgoalscorers n. Plural of goalscorer.
GOALSCORER n. one who scores goals.
LOCORESTIVElocorestive adj. (Rare) Staying in one place.
LOCORESTIVE adj. (Lamb) staying in one place.
LOUNGECORESSorry, definition not available.
MUMBLECORESSorry, definition not available.
SCOREBOARDSscoreboards n. Plural of scoreboard.
SCOREBOARD n. a large board for displaying the score of a game or match.
SCOREKEEPERscorekeeper n. Someone who keeps track of the score at a sporting event or other contest.
SCOREKEEPER n. one that keeps score.
SCORESHEETSscoresheets n. Plural of scoresheet.
score-sheets n. Plural of score-sheet.
score␣sheets n. Plural of score sheet.
THREESCORESthreescores n. Plural of threescore.
THREESCORE n. three times twenty.
UNDERSCOREDunderscored v. Simple past tense and past participle of underscore.
UNDERSCORE v. to draw a line under.
UNDERSCORESunderscores n. Plural of underscore.
underscores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underscore.
UNDERSCORE v. to draw a line under.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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