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There are 17 ten-letter words containing CRIN

CRINGELINGcringeling n. One who cringes and fawns; a submissive toady.
CRINGELING n. a person who cringes.
CRINGINGLYcringingly adv. In a cringing manner; while cringing.
cringingly adv. So as to make one cringe.
CRINGING adv. servile.
CRINKLIESTcrinkliest adj. Superlative form of crinkly: most crinkly.
CRINKLY adj. crinkled.
CRINOIDEANcrinoidean n. (Zoology) Any of the Crinoidea.
CRINOIDEAN adj. like a crinoid.
CRINOIDEAN n. a crinoid.
CRINOLETTEcrinolette n. (Historical) A whalebone, cane, or steel framework that was worn between petticoat and dress, attached…
CRINOLETTE n. (French) a small crinoline causing the dress to project behind only.
CRINOLINEDcrinolined adj. Wearing a crinoline skirt.
CRINOLINED adj. wearing a crinoline.
CRINOLINEScrinolines n. Plural of crinoline.
CRINOLINE n. (French) a stiff fabric made of horsehair and cotton or linen thread, used for linings, hats, etc., and formerly for skirts and to expand a petticoat.
ECTOCRINESectocrines n. Plural of ectocrine.
ECTOCRINE n. any metabolite that is released into an organism's environment and influences the vital processes of other organisms.
ENCRINITALencrinital adj. (Paleontology) Relating to, or containing, encrinites.
ENCRINITAL adj. of or like an encrinite, a fossil crinoid, also ENCRINAL, ENCRINIC, ENCRINITIC.
ENCRINITESencrinites n. Plural of encrinite.
ENCRINITE n. a fossil crinoid, esp. one belonging to, or resembling, the genus Encrinus.
ENCRINITICencrinitic adj. (Paleontology) Relating to, or containing, encrinites.
ENCRINITIC adj. of or like an encrinite, a fossil crinoid, also ENCRINAL, ENCRINIC, ENCRINITAL.
ENDOCRINALendocrinal adj. Endocrine.
ENDOCRINAL adj. relating to the endocrine gland, also ENDOCRINIC.
ENDOCRINESendocrines n. Plural of endocrine.
ENDOCRINE n. a gland that secretes directly into the blood or lymph.
ENDOCRINICENDOCRINIC adj. relating to the endocrine gland, also ENDOCRINAL.
MASSACRINGmassacring v. Present participle of massacre.
massacring n. A massacre.
MASSACRE v. to slaughter.
MEPACRINESMEPACRINE n. a bitter yellow powder, aka atebrin, formerly used against malaria.
QUINACRINEquinacrine n. A drug with various applications, including as an antimalarial, having the chemical formula C23H30ClN…
QUINACRINE n. another name for mepacrine, a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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