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There are 13 ten-letter words containing COST

ACCOSTABLEaccostable adj. (Obsolete, rare) Approachable; affable.
ACCOSTABLE adj. approachable; affable.
COSTALGIASCOSTALGIA n. pain around the chest due to damage to a rib or nerve running below a rib.
COSTARRINGcostarring v. Present participle of costar.
co-starring v. Present participle of co-star.
COSTAR v. to star equally with another actor.
COSTEANINGcosteaning n. (Mining) A process for discovering metallic lodes by sinking small pits through the superficial deposits…
COSTEANING n. the act of sinking pits.
COSTLESSLYcostlessly adv. Without cost.
COSTLESS adv. free of charge.
COSTLINESScostliness n. The characteristic of being costly.
COSTLINESS n. the state of being costly.
COSTMARIEScostmaries n. Plural of costmary.
COSTMARY n. a garden plant having a strong balsamic smell, aka alecost, used as a pot herb and salad plant and in flavoring ale and beer.
COSTUMIERScostumiers n. Plural of costumier.
COSTUMIER n. one who makes or deals in costumes, as for theaters, fancy balls, etc., also COSTUMER.
COSTUMINGScostumings n. Plural of costuming.
COSTUMING n. the act of dressing.
SUBCOSTALSsubcostals n. Plural of subcostal.
SUBCOSTAL n. a subcostal muscle.
TRICOSTATEtricostate adj. Having three ribs.
TRICOSTATE adj. three-ribbed; having three ribs from the base.
UNICOSTATEunicostate adj. Having a single rib.
UNICOSTATE adj. of a leaf, having a single rib or strong nerve running upward from the base.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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