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There are 13 ten-letter words containing CLIC

BICYCLICALbicyclical adj. Bicyclic.
BICYCLICAL adj. having two rings of atoms in a molecule, also BICYCLIC.
CLICKBAITSclickbaits n. Plural of clickbait.
clickbaits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of clickbait.
CLICKBAIT n. intriguing or sensational hyperlinks that encourage readers to click through to another website.
CLICKETINGclicketing v. Present participle of clicket.
CLICKET v. to make a clicking sound.
CLICKWRAPSclickwraps n. Plural of clickwrap.
CLICKWRAP n. an agreement by a computer user through clicking on a particular button onscreen.
CYCLICALLYcyclically adv. In a cyclic manner; in cycles; periodically.
CYCLICAL adv. relating to a cycle.
CYCLICISMSCYCLICISM n. the state of being cyclic, also CYCLICITY.
ENCYCLICALencyclical n. A papal letter, intended for general circulation in the Catholic Church.
encyclical adj. Intended for general circulation.
ENCYCLICAL n. a letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops, also ENCYCLIC.
HEMICYCLICHEMICYCLIC adj. of or like a hemicycle, a half circle; a semicircle.
HOMOCYCLIChomocyclic adj. (Chemistry) describing a cyclic system in which all the atoms of the ring are of the same element.
HOMOCYCLIC adj. having a closed chain of similar atoms.
MONOCYCLICmonocyclic adj. Having a single cycle of development or activity.
monocyclic adj. (Chemistry) Having a single ring of atoms in the molecule; such as benzene or cyclopropane.
monocyclic n. (Chemistry) Any monocyclic compound.
PERICYCLICpericyclic adj. (Botany) Of or relating to a pericycle.
pericyclic adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to a pericyclic reaction.
PERICYCLIC adj. relating to the pericycle, the outermost layer or layers of the central cylinder.
POLYCYCLICpolycyclic adj. Involving more than one cycle.
polycyclic adj. (Chemistry) Having two or more rings of atoms in the molecule.
polycyclic n. A polycyclic compound.
TRICYCLICStricyclics n. Plural of tricyclic.
TRICYCLIC n. a tricyclic drug, used as an antidepressant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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