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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing CKHO

BACKHOEINGbackhoeing v. Present participle of backhoe.
BACKHOE v. to dig with a backhoe.
BACKHOUSESbackhouses n. Plural of backhouse.
Backhouses prop.n. Plural of Backhouse.
back-houses n. Plural of back-house.
BLOCKHOLESblockholes n. Plural of blockhole.
BLOCKHOLE n. the place where a batsman rests his bat.
BLOCKHOUSEblockhouse n. A sturdy military fortification, often of concrete, with gunports.
blockhouse n. A reinforced building from which to control hazardous operations, such as an explosion or a rocket launch.
blockhouse n. (Dated) A temporary wooden fortification with a projecting upper story.
BUCKHOUNDSbuckhounds n. Plural of buckhound.
BUCKHOUND n. a hound for hunting deer.
CHUCKHOLESchuckholes n. Plural of chuckhole.
CHUCKHOLE n. (US) a hole or rut in the road.
COCKHORSEScockhorses n. Plural of cockhorse.
cock-horses n. Plural of cock-horse.
COCKHORSE n. a child's rocking-horse.
DECKHOUSESdeckhouses n. Plural of deckhouse.
DECKHOUSE n. a room erected on the deck of a ship.
LOCKHOUSESlockhouses n. Plural of lockhouse.
LOCKHOUSE n. a lockkeeper's house.
PACKHORSESpackhorses n. Plural of packhorse.
pack-horses n. Plural of pack-horse.
pack␣horses n. Plural of pack horse.
ROCKHOPPERrockhopper n. The rockhopper penguin.
rockhopper n. Any of the jumping bristletails in the order Archaeognatha.
ROCKHOPPER n. a crested penguin.
ROCKHOUNDSrockhounds n. Plural of rockhound.
rock␣hounds n. Plural of rock hound.
ROCKHOUND n. a person interested in rocks and minerals.
STOCKHORNSstockhorns n. Plural of stockhorn.
STOCKHORN n. a primitive Scottish musical instrument made of a cow's horn, a sheep's thigh bone or elder pipe, with stops and a single reed.
STOCKHORSESTOCKHORSE n. (Australian) a horse trained to work with sheep and cattle.
SUCKHOLINGsuckholing v. Present participle of suckhole.
SUCKHOLE v. (Australian slang) to act sycophantically.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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