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There are 17 ten-letter words containing CHIR

ALLOCHIRIAallochiria n. A neurological disorder in which the patient responds to stimuli presented to one side of their body…
ALLOCHIRIA n. attribution of a sensation to the wrong part of the body, also ALLOCHEIRIA.
CHIRIMOYASchirimoyas n. Plural of chirimoya.
CHIRIMOYA n. (Quechua) a Peruvian fruit resembling the custard apple, also CHERIMOYA, CHERIMOYER.
CHIROGNOMYchirognomy n. The art of judging character by the shape and appearance of the hand.
CHIROGNOMY n. palmistry.
CHIROGRAPHchirograph n. (Law, historical) A kind of medieval document written in duplicate (or more) on a single piece of parchment…
chirograph n. (Law, Catholicism) A papal decree whose circulation, unlike an encyclical, is limited to the Roman curia.
chirograph n. (Obsolete) The last part of a fine of land; the "foot of the fine".
CHIROMANCYchiromancy n. Synonym of palmistry: fortune-telling performed by reading another’s hand.
CHIROMANCY n. divination by means of palmistry, also CHEIROMANCY.
CHIRONOMERchironomer n. One who performs chironomy.
CHIRONOMER n. a gesticulator.
CHIRONOMICchironomic adj. Relating to chironomy.
CHIRONOMIC adj. relating to gesticulation.
CHIRONOMIDchironomid n. (Entomology) Any of the non-biting midges or Chironomidae, a family of true flies within the order Diptera.
CHIRONOMID n. a member of a large genus of common midges.
CHIROPTERSchiropters n. Plural of chiropter.
CHIROPTER n. a type of bat.
CHIRPINESSchirpiness n. The state or quality of being chirpy.
CHIRPINESS n. the state of being chirpy.
CHIRRUPERSchirrupers n. Plural of chirruper.
CHIRRUPER n. one who chirrups.
CHIRRUPINGchirruping v. Present participle of chirrup.
chirruping n. The act of producing a chirrup sound.
CHIRRUP v. to chirp repeatedly.
CHIRURGEONchirurgeon n. (Archaic) A doctor or surgeon.
CHIRURGEON n. a surgeon.
CHIRURGERYchirurgery n. (Archaic) Synonym of surgery.
CHIRURGERY n. surgery.
ENCHIRIDIAenchiridia n. Plural of enchiridion.
ENCHIRIDION n. a manual or handbook, also ENCHEIRIDION.
TELECHIRICtelechiric adj. Relating to a telechir.
TELECHIRIC adj. of or like a telechir, a form of robot controlled by telecommand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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