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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing CHIM

ARCHIMAGESarchimages n. Plural of archimage.
ARCHIMAGE n. a great magician.
CHIMAERISMchimaerism n. Alternative spelling of chimerism.
CHIMAERISM n. the state of being or creating a genetic chimaera, also CHIMERISM.
CHIMERICALchimerical adj. Of or pertaining to a chimera.
chimerical adj. Being a figment of the imagination; fantastic (in the archaic sense).
chimerical adj. Inherently fantastic; wildly fanciful.
CHIMERISMSchimerisms n. Plural of chimerism.
CHIMERISM n. the state of being or creating a genetic chimaera, also CHIMAERISM.
CHIMNEYINGchimneying v. Present participle of chimney.
CHIMNEY v. to proceed up a rock fissure in a certain fashion.
CHIMNEYPOTchimneypot n. Alternative form of chimney pot.
chimney␣pot n. A short earthenware pipe, placed on top of a chimney to improve the draft.
CHIMNEYPOT n. the pot on a chimney.
CHIMPANZEEchimpanzee n. Pan troglodytes, a species of great ape in the genus Pan, native to Africa, and believed by biologists…
chimpanzee n. (Broadly) A member of the genus Pan, including the bonobo which is also known as the pygmy chimpanzee.
CHIMPANZEE n. an anthropoid ape of equatorial Africa that is smaller and more arboreal than the gorilla.
ISOCHIMALSISOCHIMAL n. an isochimal line, also ISOCHEIMAL.
MASHGICHIMmashgichim n. Plural of mashgiach.
MASHGIACH n. (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules, also MASHGIAH.
SHIDDUCHIMshidduchim n. Plural of shidduch.
SHIDDUCH n. (Yiddish) an arranged marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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