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There are 14 ten-letter words containing CAIN

BENZOCAINEbenzocaine n. (Pharmacology) A local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever.
BENZOCAINE n. a drug used as a local anaesthetic.
COCAINISEDcocainised v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocainise.
COCAINISE v. to anaesthetise with cocaine, also COCAINIZE.
COCAINISEScocainises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cocainise.
COCAINISE v. to anaesthetise with cocaine, also COCAINIZE.
COCAINISMSCOCAINISM n. a morbid condition caused by addiction to cocaine.
COCAINISTScocainists n. Plural of cocainist.
COCAINIST n. one suffering from cocainism, a morbid condition caused by addiction to cocaine.
COCAINIZEDcocainized v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocainize.
COCAINIZE v. to anaesthetise with cocaine, also COCAINISE.
COCAINIZEScocainizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cocainize.
COCAINIZE v. to anaesthetise with cocaine, also COCAINISE.
HOLOCAINESHOLOCAINE n. a kind of surface anaesthetic for the eye.
LIDOCAINESlidocaines n. Plural of lidocaine.
LIDOCAINE n. the US name for lignocaine, a local anaesthetic used in dentistry.
LIGNOCAINElignocaine n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of lidocaine.
LIGNOCAINE n. a local anaesthetic used in dentistry.
NOVOCAINESnovocaines n. Plural of novocaine.
NOVOCAINE n. (tradename) a proprietary name for cocaine, as a dental anaesthetic.
ORTHOCAINEorthocaine n. Methyl m-amino-p-hydroxybenzoate, a fine white crystalline powder used as an anesthetic on open wounds.
ORTHOCAINE n. a white crystalline substance used as a local anaesthetic.
PHENACAINEphenacaine n. (Pharmacology) A local anesthetic, the only anesthetic other than cocaine that is approved for ophthalmic use.
PHENACAINE n. a crystalline base or its hydrochloride of local anaesthetic.
TETRACAINEtetracaine n. (Pharmacology) A crystalline basic ester C15H24N2O2 that is closely related chemically to procaine and…
TETRACAINE n. a crystalline basic ester.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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