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There are 16 words containing CTM

EJECTMENTejectment n. (Law) The legal process of ejecting someone from their property or holdings.
ejectment n. (Generally) A casting out, an ejection.
EJECTMENT n. expulsion; dispossession; an action for the recovery of the possession of land.
EJECTMENTSejectments n. Plural of ejectment.
EJECTMENT n. expulsion; dispossession; an action for the recovery of the possession of land.
ENACTMENTenactment n. The act of enacting, or the state of being enacted.
enactment n. (Law) A piece of legislation that has been properly authorized by a legislative body.
ENACTMENT n. the passing of a bill into law.
ENACTMENTSenactments n. Plural of enactment.
ENACTMENT n. the passing of a bill into law.
EXACTMENTexactment n. The process of exacting something; exaction.
EXACTMENT n. exactness.
EXACTMENTSexactments n. Plural of exactment.
EXACTMENT n. exactness.
INDICTMENTindictment n. (Law) An official formal accusation for a criminal offence, or the process by which it is brought to a jury.
indictment n. (Law) The official legal document outlining the charges concerned; bill of indictment.
indictment n. (Countable, uncountable) An accusation of wrongdoing; a criticism or condemnation.
INDICTMENTSindictments n. Plural of indictment.
INDICTMENT n. the action or the legal process of indicting.
PROJECTMENTprojectment n. (Obsolete) design; contrivance; projection.
PROJECTMENT n. a design or plan.
PROJECTMENTSprojectments n. Plural of projectment.
PROJECTMENT n. a design or plan.
REENACTMENTreenactment n. The process of enacting again.
reenactment n. The repetition of an earlier (usually historic) event, as a performance or social event.
reënactment n. Rare spelling of reenactment.
REENACTMENTSreenactments n. Plural of reenactment.
reënactments n. Plural of reënactment.
re-enactments n. Plural of re-enactment.
REINDICTMENTreindictment n. Indictment again.
REINDICTMENT n. the act of reindicting.
REINDICTMENTSreindictments n. Plural of reindictment.
REINDICTMENT n. the act of reindicting.
SELECTMANselectman n. (US) Any of a board of municipal officers elected to manage some New England towns.
SELECTMAN n. one of a board of town officers chosen annually in the New England States to transact the general public business of the town.
SELECTMENselectmen n. Plural of selectman.
SELECTMAN n. one of a board of town officers chosen annually in the New England States to transact the general public business of the town.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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