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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing CKY

BACKYARDSbackyards n. Plural of backyard.
back␣yards n. Plural of back yard.
BACKYARD n. the area at the rear of a house.
BRICKYARDbrickyard n. A factory where bricks are produced or distributed.
BRICKYARD n. a place where bricks are made.
BUCKYBALLbuckyball n. (Chemistry, informal) A buckminsterfullerene molecule (C60).
buckyball n. (By extension) The most common types of spheroidal fullerenes, C60 and C70 usually, with additionally…
buckyball n. (By extension) Any spheroidal fullerene, from C20 on upwards.
BUCKYTUBEbuckytube n. A carbon nanotube.
BUCKYTUBE n. a tube of carbon atoms.
CHOPSOCKYchopsocky n. (Uncountable, film, colloquial, sometimes derogatory) A genre of exaggerated martial arts films made…
chopsocky n. (Countable) An individual film of this kind.
CHOPSOCKY n. a genre of martial arts films.
DICKYBIRDdicky-bird n. (Hypocoristic) A small bird.
dicky-bird n. (Britain, informal, from Cockney rhyming slang, used especially in negative constructions) A word; a…
dicky␣bird n. Alternative form of dicky-bird.
DOCKYARDSdockyards n. Plural of dockyard.
DOCKYARD n. a shipyard.
HICKYMALSHICKYMAL n. (dialect) a titmouse.
MUCKYMUCKmucky-muck n. Alternative form of muckamuck.
mucky␣muck n. Alternative form of muckamuck (person in authority).
MUCKYMUCK n. (Canadian) a person who is or looks very important.
NONSTICKYnonsticky adj. Not sticky.
NONSTICKY adj. not sticky.
PLASTICKYplasticky adj. Resembling plastic, especially in the sense of being cheap and lightweight.
PLASTICKY adj. of a plastic nature.
RICKYARDSrickyards n. Plural of rickyard.
RICKYARD n. a yard for storing ricks.
STACKYARDstackyard n. A farmyard in which stacks of hay etc. are stored.
STACKYARD n. a yard or inclosure for stacks of hay or grain.
STICKYINGstickying v. Present participle of sticky.
STICKY v. to make sticky.
STOCKYARDstockyard n. (US) An enclosed yard, with pens, sheds etc. or stables, where livestock is kept temporarily before…
STOCKYARD n. a large yard with pens where cattle are kept for slaughter, market etc.
TRAFFICKYtrafficky adj. (Informal) Characterised by traffic; having the noise and commotion of motor vehicles.
TRAFFICKY adj. busy with traffic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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