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There are 18 nine-letter words containing CKO

BECKONERSbeckoners n. Plural of beckoner.
BECKONER n. one who beckons.
BECKONINGbeckoning v. Present participle of beckon.
beckoning adj. That beckons.
beckoning n. Such a wave or similar action.
BLACKOUTSblackouts n. Plural of blackout.
black-outs n. Plural of black-out.
BLACKOUT n. a power failure.
CHECKOFFScheckoffs n. Plural of checkoff.
CHECKOFF n. a marking off on a list.
CHECKOUTScheckouts n. Plural of checkout.
CHECKOUT n. the cash desk at a supermarket.
CUCKOLDEDcuckolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of cuckold.
CUCKOLD v. to humiliate a man by seducing his wife.
CUCKOLDLYcuckoldly adv. Like or as a cuckold.
cuckoldly adj. Possessing the qualities of a cuckold.
CUCKOLDLY adj. (Shakespeare) like a cuckold.
CUCKOLDOMcuckoldom n. (Archaic) cuckoldry.
CUCKOLDOM n. the state of being a cuckold, also CUCKOLDRY.
CUCKOLDRYcuckoldry n. An act of adultery committed by a married woman against her husband.
cuckoldry n. The state of being a cuckold.
cuckoldry n. (Zoology) Among certain male fish, the practice of interrupting a mating pair to release sperm in an…
CUCKOOINGcuckooing v. Present participle of cuckoo.
cuckooing n. The call of a cuckoo.
cuckooing n. (UK) A form of crime in which the home of a vulnerable person is taken over by a criminal gang and used…
HICKORIEShickories n. Plural of hickory.
HICKORY n. a hardwood tree.
KNOCKOFFSknockoffs n. Plural of knockoff.
knock-offs n. Plural of knock-off.
knock␣offs n. Plural of knock off.
KNOCKOUTSknockouts n. Plural of knockout.
knock-outs n. Plural of knock-out.
KNOCKOUT n. a blow that induces unconsciousness.
MISRECKONmisreckon v. (Transitive) To add (something) up incorrectly, make a wrong calculation of (An amount etc.).
misreckon v. (Reflexive, obsolete) To make a wrong calculation, to be in error.
MISRECKON v. to reckon wrongly; to miscalculate.
OUTRECKONoutreckon v. (Transitive) To surpass in reckoning or computation.
OUTRECKON v. to surpass in reckoning.
RECKONERSreckoners n. Plural of reckoner.
RECKONER n. one that reckons.
RECKONINGreckoning v. Present participle and gerund of reckon.
reckoning n. The action of calculating or estimating something.
reckoning n. An opinion or judgement.
STICKOUTSstickouts n. Plural of stickout.
STICKOUT n. one who is conspicuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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