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There are 11 eight-letter words containing CIV

CIVICISMcivicism n. The principle of civil government.
CIVICISM n. a system of government based on individual rights.
CIVILIANcivilian n. A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the armed forces.
civilian n. (Informal) A person who does not belong to a particular group or engage in a particular activity, an outsider.
civilian n. One skilled in civil law.
CIVILISEcivilise v. To educate or enlighten a person or people to a perceived higher standard of behaviour.
civilise v. To introduce or impose the standards of one civilisation upon another civilization, group or person…
civilise v. To bring from a state of savagery to an educated or refined state.
CIVILISTcivilist n. (Obsolete) One who studies or works with the civil law.
civilist n. (Obsolete, theology) One who rejects the moral authority of Christ but who nevertheless adheres to a…
civilist n. (Obsolete) A statesman, politician, or student of the political sciences.
CIVILITYcivility n. Speech or behaviour that is fit for civil interactions; politeness, courtesy.
civility n. (Chiefly in the plural) An individual act or expression of polite behaviour; a courtesy.
civility n. (Now archaic) The state or fact of being civilized; civilization.
CIVILIZEcivilize v. Alternative spelling of civilise.
CIVILIZE v. to instruct in refinements, also CIVILISE.
COERCIVEcoercive adj. Displaying a tendency or intent to coerce.
coercive adj. (Mathematics, of a function F) Such that the ratio of |F(x)| to x approaches infinity as x approaches infinity.
COERCIVE adj. serving or intended to coerce.
CRESCIVEcrescive adj. (Archaic) Increasing or growing; marked by gradual spontaneous development.
CRESCIVE adj. increasing.
EVINCIVEevincive adj. Tending to prove; having the power to demonstrate; demonstrative; indicative.
EVINCIVE adj. tending to evince.
INCIVISMincivism n. Lack of civism or patriotism; unfriendliness to one’s state or government.
INCIVISM n. neglect of duty as a citizen.
SEDUCIVEseducive adj. Obsolete form of seductive.
SEDUCIVE adj. able to seduce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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