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There are 13 six-letter words containing CUN

CUNDUMcundum n. Alternative spelling of condom.
CUNDUM n. a condom.
CUNEALcuneal adj. Shaped like a wedge; cuneiform.
cuneal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the cuneus.
CUNEAL adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEATE, CUNEATED, CUNEATIC.
CUNEUScuneus n. (Neuroanatomy) A portion of the occipital lobe of the human brain, involved in visual processing.
cuneus n. (Entomology) A wedge-shaped section of the forewing of certain heteropteran bugs.
cuneus n. (Architecture) One of a set of wedge-shaped divisions separated by stairways, found in the Ancient Roman…
CUNITSCUNIT n. one hundred cubic feet.
CUNNERcunner n. A marine European fish (Symphodus melops).
cunner n. The related American conner (Tautogolabrus adspersus).
CUNNER n. a kind of wrasse, aka goldsinny, also CONNER, CONNOR.
FECUNDfecund adj. (Formal) Highly fertile; able to produce offspring.
fecund adj. (Figuratively) Leading to new ideas or innovation.
FECUND adj. fruitful in offspring or vegetation, prolific.
JOCUNDjocund adj. Jovial; exuberant; lighthearted; merry and in high spirits; exhibiting happiness.
JOCUND adj. marked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness.
LACUNAlacuna n. (Particularly anatomy) A small opening; a small pit or depression, especially in bone.
lacuna n. A small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
LACUNElacune n. A lacunar stroke or infarct.
lacune n. A lacuna.
LACUNE n. an empty space or missing part, also LACUNA.
SCUNGEscunge n. (Uncountable, slang) Muck, scum, dirt, dirtiness; also used attributively.
scunge n. (Countable, slang) A scrounger; one who habitually borrows.
scunge n. (Countable, slang) A dirty or untidy person; one who takes no pride in their appearance.
SCUNGYscungy adj. (Australia, New Zealand, US, informal) Dirty, messy; sordid.
SCUNGY adj. (Australian slang) dirty, unkempt, sordid.
SECUNDsecund adj. (Botany, zoology) Arranged on one side only, as flowers or leaves on a stalk; unilateral.
SECUND adj. esp. of the flowers in an inflorescence, arranged on or directed towards one side only.
VICUNAvicuna n. A South American mammal, Vicugna vicugna, closely related to the alpaca, llama, and guanaco.
Vicuna prop.n. A surname.
vicuña n. Alternative form of vicuna.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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