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There are 7 five-letter words containing COV

COVEDcoved v. Simple past tense and past participle of cove.
COVE v. to curve over or inward.
COVENcoven n. A formal group or assembly of witches.
coven n. A family, group or assembly of vampires.
coven n. A clique that shares common interests or activities.
COVERcover n. A lid.
cover n. (Uncountable) Area or situation which screens a person or thing from view.
cover n. The front and back of a book, magazine, CD package, etc.
COVEScoves n. Plural of cove.
Coves prop.n. Plural of Cove.
COVE v. to curve over or inward.
COVETcovet v. (Transitive) To wish for with eagerness; to desire possession of, often enviously.
covet v. (Transitive) To long for inordinately or unlawfully; to hanker after (something forbidden).
covet v. (Intransitive) To yearn; to have or indulge an inordinate desire, especially for another’s possession.
COVEYcovey n. A group of 8–12 (or more) quail.
covey n. A brood of partridges, grouse, etc.
covey n. A party or group (of persons or things).
COVINcovin n. (Obsolete, law) Fraud, deception.
Covin prop.n. A surname.
COVIN n. a conspiracy between two or more people to act to the injury of another, also COVINE, COVYNE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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