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There are 13 five-letter words containing CAU

CAUDACAUDA n. the area behind an animal's anus.
CAUKScauks n. Plural of cauk.
CAUK n. an opaque, compact variety of barite, or heavy spar, also CAWK.
CAULDCAULD adj. (Scots) cold.
CAULD n. cold.
CAULKcaulk n. Caulking.
caulk n. A composition of vehicle and pigment used at ambient temperatures for filling/sealing joints or junctures…
caulk n. Alternative form of calk (“pointed projection on a horseshoe”).
CAULScauls n. Plural of caul.
CAUL n. a foetal membrane covering the head.
CAUMSCAUM v. (Scots) to whiten with camstone, also CAM.
CAUPScaups n. Plural of caup.
CAUP n. (Scots) a two-handed drinking bowl.
CAURIcauri n. A former monetary subdivision, equivalent to one hundredth of a Guinean syli.
cauri n. An extremely tall tree found exclusively in New Zealand, the kauri.
cauri n. A type of seashell found on the western coast of the African continent.
CAUSACausa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Helicidae – certain air-breathing land snails.
CAUSA n. (Latin) a (legal) cause.
CAUSEcause n. (Countable, often with of, typically of adverse results) The source of, or reason for, an event or action;…
cause n. (Uncountable, especially with for and a bare noun) Sufficient reason for a state, as of emotion.
cause n. (Countable) A goal, aim or principle, especially one which transcends purely selfish ends.
SCAUDSCAUD v. (Scots) to scald.
SCAUPscaup n. Any of three species of small diving duck in the genus Aythya.
scaup n. (Scotland) Alternative form of scalp (“a bed or stratum of shellfish”).
SCAUP v. to cut the scalp from.
SCAURscaur n. (Chiefly Scotland) A steep cliff or bank.
SCAUR v. (Scots) to scare, also SCARRE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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