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There are 7 eleven-letter words containing CAG

CAGEYNESSESCAGEYNESS n. the quality of being cagey, also CAGINESS, CAGYNESS.
DECAGONALLYdecagonally adv. In a decagonal manner.
DECAGONAL adv. of a plane figure, having ten sides.
DECAGRAMMESdecagrammes n. Plural of decagramme.
DECAGRAMME n. a weight of the metric system; ten grams, also DECAGRAM, DEKAGRAM.
DODECAGONALdodecagonal adj. Having twelve sides and twelve angles.
DODECAGONAL adj. like a dodecagon, a plane figure with twelve sides.
HENDECAGONShendecagons n. Plural of hendecagon.
HENDECAGON n. an eleven-sided polygon, also ENDECAGON.
PASSACAGLIApassacaglia n. (Music) A form of historical Spanish or Italian dance characterised by a serious nature, triple metre…
passacaglia n. (Music, by extension) Any piece of classical music with similar characteristics.
PASSACAGLIA n. (Italian) an old slow Italian or Spanish dance; variations on a theme over a continuously repeated ground bass.
QUINDECAGONquindecagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with fifteen sides and fifteen angles.
QUINDECAGON n. a geometric figure having fifteen sides and fifteen angles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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