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There are 10 words containing CP

SECPARsecpar n. (Dated) parsec.
SECPAR n. a unit of astronomical distance, also PARSEC.
SECPARSsecpars n. Plural of secpar.
SECPAR n. a unit of astronomical distance, also PARSEC.
ECPHRASESecphrases n. Plural of ecphrasis.
ECPHRASIS n. a description of a work of art, possibly imaginary, produced as a rhetorical exercise, also EKPHRASIS.
ECPHRASISecphrasis n. Alternative spelling of ekphrasis.
ECPHRASIS n. a description of a work of art, possibly imaginary, produced as a rhetorical exercise, also EKPHRASIS.
ECPHONESESecphoneses n. Plural of ecphonesis.
ECPHONESIS n. an animated or passionate exclamation.
ECPHONESISecphonesis n. (Rhetoric) Exclamation.
ecphonesis n. (Greek Orthodox Christianity) The part of the service spoken in an audible tone.
ECPHONESIS n. an animated or passionate exclamation.
ECPHRACTICecphractic adj. (Medicine, dated) Serving to dissolve or attenuate viscid matter, and so remove obstructions; deobstruent.
ecphractic n. (Dated) Any medicine of this kind.
ECPHRACTIC adj. (obsolete) serving to remove obstructions.
ECPHRACTICSecphractics n. Plural of ecphractic.
ECPHRACTIC n. a drug that removes obstructions.
SYNECPHONESESsynecphoneses n. Plural of synecphonesis.
SYNECPHONESIS n. the union into one syllable of two vowels without forming a recognized diphthong.
SYNECPHONESISsynecphonesis n. (Grammar) A contraction of two syllables into one; synizesis.
SYNECPHONESIS n. the union into one syllable of two vowels without forming a recognized diphthong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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