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There are 5 three-letter words containing CE

ACEace n. (Card games, dice games) A single point or spot on a playing card or die normally indicating it as the…
ace n. (Card games, dice games) A card or die face so marked.
ace n. The ball marked with the number 1 in pool and related games.
CEEcee n. The name of the Latin-script letter C/c.
cee n. Something shaped like the letter C, such as a cee spring.
CEE prop.n. Abbreviation of Central and Eastern Europe.
CELcel n. A piece of celluloid on which has been drawn a frame of an animated film.
cel n. Clipping of celibate.
cel sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-5 language code for Celtic languages.
CEPcep n. An edible mushroom (Boletus edulis).
CEP n. (Military) Initialism of circular error probable.
CEP n. a large mushroom, also CEPE.
ICEice n. (Uncountable) Water in frozen (solid) form.
ice n. (Uncountable, physics, astronomy) Any frozen volatile chemical, such as ammonia or carbon dioxide.
ice n. (Uncountable, astronomy) Any volatile chemical, such as water, ammonia, or carbon dioxide, not necessarily…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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