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There are 19 words containing BBERING

GIBBERINGgibbering v. Present participle of gibber.
gibbering adj. Prone to meaningless vocalization, especially excited and confused utterances, like a beast or monster.
gibbering n. Manic, meaningless speech; babble.
JABBERINGjabbering v. Present participle of jabber.
jabbering n. Speech that jabbers; gibberish.
JABBERING adj. talking rapidly.
JIBBERINGjibbering v. Present participle of jibber.
jibbering adj. Alternative spelling of gibbering.
jibbering n. Alternative spelling of gibbering.
RUBBERINGrubbering v. Present participle of rubber.
rubbering n. Rubbernecking.
rubbering n. Eavesdropping on a telephone conversation.
YABBERINGyabbering v. Present participle of yabber.
YABBER v. (Native Australian) to talk.
BLABBERINGblabbering v. Present participle of blabber.
blabbering n. Foolish or incoherent talk; blather; babble.
BLABBER v. to reveal secrets.
BLUBBERINGblubbering v. Present participle of blubber.
blubbering n. Noisy sobbing.
BLUBBER v. to weep effusively.
CLABBERINGclabbering v. Present participle of clabber.
CLABBER v. to curdle, turn sour.
CLOBBERINGclobbering v. Present participle of clobber.
clobbering n. (Informal) A beating; a thrashing; a thorough defeat.
clobbering adj. That clobbers.
GIBBERINGSgibberings n. Plural of gibbering.
GIBBERING n. the act of uttering senseless or inarticulate sounds.
JABBERINGSjabberings n. Plural of jabbering.
JABBERING n. the act of jabbering.
SLABBERINGslabbering v. Present participle of slabber.
SLABBER v. to slaver; to drivel, also SLOBBER.
SLOBBERINGslobbering v. Present participle of slobber.
slobbering n. The act of one who slobbers.
SLOBBER v. to drool, also SLABBER.
SLUBBERINGslubbering v. Present participle of slubber.
SLUBBERING adj. smearing.
SLUBBERING n. the act of slubbering.
JABBERINGLYjabberingly adv. In a jabbering way.
JABBERING adv. talking rapidly.
SLUBBERINGSSLUBBERING n. the act of slubbering.
BESLOBBERINGbeslobbering v. Present participle of beslobber.
BESLOBBER v. to slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth, also BESLUBBER.
BESLUBBERINGbeslubbering v. Present participle of beslubber.
BESLUBBER v. to slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth, also BESLOBBER.
SLUBBERINGLYslubberingly adv. (Dated) In a slovenly or hasty manner.
SLUBBERING adv. smearing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 28 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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