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There are 16 words containing BULLIO

BULLIONbullion n. A bulk quantity of precious metal, usually gold or silver, assessed by weight and typically cast as ingots.
bullion n. (Obsolete) Base or uncurrent coin.
bullion n. (Obsolete) Showy metallic ornament, as of gold, silver, or copper, on bridles, saddles, etc.
BULLIONISTbullionist n. An advocate for a metallic currency, or a paper currency always convertible into gold.
BULLIONIST n. one in favour of metallic currency.
BULLIONISTSbullionists n. Plural of bullionist.
BULLIONIST n. one in favour of metallic currency.
BULLIONSbullions n. Plural of bullion.
Bullions prop.n. Plural of Bullion.
BULLION n. uncoined gold or silver.
EBULLIOMETERebulliometer n. (Physics) A device used to measure the boiling points of liquids.
EBULLIOMETER n. a device used to determine the boiling point of a solution.
EBULLIOMETERSebulliometers n. Plural of ebulliometer.
EBULLIOMETER n. a device used to determine the boiling point of a solution.
EBULLIOMETRIESEBULLIOMETRY n. the measurement of the boiling point of a solution.
EBULLIOMETRYebulliometry n. The measurement of boiling points.
EBULLIOMETRY n. the measurement of the boiling point of a solution.
EBULLIOSCOPEebullioscope n. (Physics) An instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids.
EBULLIOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids.
EBULLIOSCOPESebullioscopes n. Plural of ebullioscope.
EBULLIOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids.
EBULLIOSCOPICebullioscopic adj. Of or pertaining to ebullioscopy.
ebullioscopic adj. Measured using an ebullioscope.
EBULLIOSCOPIC adj. relating to measurement by ebullioscope.
EBULLIOSCOPICALebullioscopical adj. Alternative form of ebullioscopic.
EBULLIOSCOPICAL adj. relating to an ebullioscope, an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids, also EBULLIOSCOPIC.
EBULLIOSCOPIESEBULLIOSCOPY n. measurement by use of an ebullioscope.
EBULLIOSCOPYebullioscopy n. (Physics) the measurement of the boiling point of liquids.
EBULLIOSCOPY n. measurement by use of an ebullioscope.
RUMBULLIONrumbullion n. (Obsolete) Rum, the spirit.
rumbullion n. (Archaic, colloquial) A great tumult.
RUMBULLION n. (obsolete) an older name for rum.
RUMBULLIONSrumbullions n. Plural of rumbullion.
RUMBULLION n. (obsolete) an older name for rum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 17 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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