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There are 18 words containing BENCHE

BENCHEDbenched v. Simple past tense and past participle of bench.
BENCH v. to provide with benches.
BENCHERbencher n. (Canada, law) A senior member of a law society in a Canadian province (except New Brunswick).
bencher n. (Britain, obsolete, law) One of the senior governing members of an Inn of Court.
bencher n. (UK, obsolete) An alderman of a corporation.
BENCHESbenches n. Plural of bench.
benches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bench.
Benches prop.n. Plural of Bench.
BENCHERSbenchers n. Plural of bencher.
BENCHER n. a senior member of an inn of court; a person who sits on a bench in some official capacity.
ALEBENCHESalebenches n. Plural of alebench.
ale-benches n. Plural of ale-bench.
ale␣benches n. Plural of ale bench.
DISBENCHEDdisbenched v. Simple past tense and past participle of disbench.
DISBENCH v. to drive from a bench.
DISBENCHESdisbenches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disbench.
DISBENCH v. to drive from a bench.
BACKBENCHERbackbencher n. (Politics) A Member of Parliament who does not have cabinet rank, and who therefore sits on one of the…
backbencher n. (Education) A student who does not perform well, especially one who sits at the back of the classroom.
backbencher n. (Sports) A member of a team who does not usually play, but who is held in reserve.
BACKBENCHESbackbenches n. Plural of backbench.
back-benches n. Plural of back-bench.
back␣benches n. Plural of back bench.
BENCHERSHIPbenchership n. The role or status of being a bencher.
BENCHERSHIP n. the office of bencher.
WORKBENCHESworkbenches n. Plural of workbench.
WORKBENCH n. a bench, often purpose-built, at which a craftsman, mechanic, etc. works.
BACKBENCHERSbackbenchers n. Plural of backbencher.
back-benchers n. Plural of back-bencher.
BACKBENCHER n. a Member of Parliament who sits on the backbenches.
BENCHERSHIPSbencherships n. Plural of benchership.
BENCHERSHIP n. the office of bencher.
CROSSBENCHERcrossbencher n. Alternative form of cross-bencher.
cross-bencher n. (Politics) A member of the British House of Lords or the Senate of Canada or Australia who sits on a…
CROSSBENCHER n. an independent member of the House of Lords.
CROSSBENCHEScrossbenches n. The seats in either house of the British parliament, or a similar assembly, used by members who do not…
cross-benches n. Plural of cross-bench.
CROSSBENCH n. a bench laid crosswise.
FRONTBENCHERfrontbencher n. (Politics) A Member of Parliament who sits on the front bench, and is typically part of the cabinet.
front-bencher n. Alternative form of frontbencher.
front␣bencher n. Alternative form of frontbencher.
CROSSBENCHERScrossbenchers n. Plural of crossbencher.
cross-benchers n. Plural of cross-bencher.
CROSSBENCHER n. an independent member of the House of Lords.
FRONTBENCHERSfrontbenchers n. Plural of frontbencher.
front-benchers n. Plural of front-bencher.
front␣benchers n. Plural of front bencher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 46 words

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