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There are 17 words containing BUTYR

BUTYRALbutyral n. (Organic chemistry) butyraldehyde.
BUTYRAL n. a kind of resin.
BUTYRICbutyric adj. (Rare) Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of butter.
butyric adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from butyric acid or any of the isomeric univalent…
BUTYRIC adj. as in butyric acid, an acid found in butter.
BUTYRINbutyrin n. (Organic chemistry) The triglyceride of butyric acid; the principal constituent of butterfat.
BUTYRIN n. a butyrate of glycerin; a fat contained in small quantity in milk, which helps to give to butter its peculiar flavor.
BUTYRYLbutyryl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical C3H7COO- derived from butyric acid.
BUTYRYL n. a radical of butyric acid.
BUTYRALSbutyrals n. Plural of butyral.
BUTYRAL n. a kind of resin.
BUTYRATEbutyrate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of butyric acid.
BUTYRATE n. a salt of butyric acid.
BUTYRINSbutyrins n. Plural of butyrin.
BUTYRIN n. a butyrate of glycerin; a fat contained in small quantity in milk, which helps to give to butter its peculiar flavor.
BUTYROUSbutyrous adj. Of, pertaining to, resembling or containing butter, buttery.
BUTYROUS adj. resembling butter.
BUTYRYLSbutyryls n. Plural of butyryl.
BUTYRYL n. a radical of butyric acid.
BUTYRATESbutyrates n. Plural of butyrate.
BUTYRATE n. a salt of butyric acid.
BUTYRACEOUSbutyraceous adj. Of, pertaining to or containing butter; buttery.
BUTYRACEOUS adj. resembling, producing or having the qualities of butter, also BUTYROUS.
BUTYRALDEHYDEbutyraldehyde n. (Organic chemistry) The aliphatic aldehyde CH3-CH2-CH2-CHO derived from butane.
BUTYRALDEHYDE n. either of two aldehydes used esp. in making synthetic resins.
BUTYROPHENONEbutyrophenone n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of antipsychotic drugs (such as haloperidol) used especially in the treatment…
BUTYROPHENONE n. any of a class of antipsychotic drugs (as haloperidol) used esp. in the treatment of schizophrenia.
INDOLEBUTYRICINDOLEBUTYRIC adj. as in indolebutyric acid, a synthetic plant growth regulator.
BUTYRALDEHYDESbutyraldehydes n. Plural of butyraldehyde.
BUTYRALDEHYDE n. either of two aldehydes used esp. in making synthetic resins.
BUTYROPHENONESbutyrophenones n. Plural of butyrophenone.
BUTYROPHENONE n. any of a class of antipsychotic drugs (as haloperidol) used esp. in the treatment of schizophrenia.
HYDROXYBUTYRATEhydroxybutyrate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of hydroxybutyric acid, but especially of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.
HYDROXYBUTYRATE n. as in gamma hydroxybutyrate, a substance that occurs naturally in the brain, used medically as a sedative but also as a recreational drug and alleged aphrodisiac.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 105 words
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