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There are 15 words containing BRINE

ATABRINEatabrine n. Synonym of quinacrine.
ATABRINE n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRIN, ATEBRIN.
ATABRINESatabrines n. Plural of atabrine.
ATABRINE n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRIN, ATEBRIN.
BRINEbrine n. Salt water; water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; a salt-and-water solution for pickling.
brine n. The sea or ocean; the water of the sea.
brine v. (Transitive) To preserve food in a salt solution.
BRINEDbrined v. Simple past tense and past participle of brine.
BRINE v. to treat with salt water.
BRINELESSbrineless adj. Not having any brine.
BRINELESS adj. without brine.
BRINELLINGbrinelling n. (Engineering) A material surface failure caused by contact stress that exceeds the material limit.
BRINELLING n. a localized surface corrosion; a cause of damage to bearings.
BRINELLINGSBRINELLING n. a localized surface corrosion; a cause of damage to bearings.
BRINERbriner n. One who pickles food in brine.
Briner prop.n. A surname.
BRINER n. one that brines.
BRINERSbriners n. Plural of briner.
Briners prop.n. Plural of Briner.
BRINER n. one that brines.
BRINESbrines n. Plural of brine.
brines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brine.
BRINE v. to treat with salt water.
COLUBRINEcolubrine adj. Snakelike.
colubrine adj. Relating to snakes.
colubrine n. Any snake of the subfamily Colubrinae.
PEBRINEpebrine n. Alternative form of pébrine.
pébrine n. A parasitic disease affecting silkworms.
PEBRINE n. (French) a disease of silkworms.
PEBRINESPEBRINE n. (French) a disease of silkworms.
ZEBRINEzebrine adj. Of, like or pertaining to a zebra.
zebrine n. A zebra or similar (notably equine) animal.
ZEBRINE n. a member of the zebra family.
ZEBRINESzebrines n. Plural of zebrine.
ZEBRINE n. a member of the zebra family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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