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There are 18 words containing BRIGA

BRIGADEbrigade n. A group of people organized for a common purpose.
brigade n. (Military) Military unit composed of several regiments (or battalions) and including soldiers from different…
brigade n. (Derogatory) A group of people who share views or a specific characteristic.
BRIGANDbrigand n. An outlaw or bandit.
BRIGAND n. a bandit.
BRIGADEDbrigaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of brigade.
BRIGADE v. to group together.
BRIGADESbrigades n. Plural of brigade.
BRIGADE v. to group together.
BRIGALOWbrigalow n. Any of various Australian acacia trees, especially Acacia harpophylla of New South Wales and Queensland.
BRIGALOW n. (Native Australian) any of several species of acacia.
BRIGANDSbrigands n. Plural of brigand.
BRIGAND n. a bandit.
BRIGADIERbrigadier n. (Military) An army rank; an officer commanding a brigade.
brigadier n. (Military, UK) A field officer of the highest grade, below general officers, NATO grade O7.
brigadier n. (Historical) The head of a workforce in the Soviet Union.
BRIGADINGbrigading v. Present participle of brigade.
BRIGADE v. to group together.
BRIGALOWSbrigalows n. Plural of brigalow.
BRIGALOW n. (Native Australian) any of several species of acacia.
BRIGANDRYbrigandry n. Synonym of brigandage.
BRIGANDRY n. the act of being a brigand.
BRIGADIERSbrigadiers n. Plural of brigadier.
BRIGADIER n. an officer having command of a brigade, ranking above a colonel.
BRIGANDAGEbrigandage n. The lifestyle of a brigand.
BRIGANDAGE n. the practice of brigands.
BRIGANDINEbrigandine n. (Historical) A coat of armor for the body, consisting of scales or plates, sometimes overlapping each…
BRIGANDINE n. leather armour with metal scales.
BRIGANTINEbrigantine n. (Nautical) a two-masted vessel, square-rigged on the foremast, but fore-and-aft-rigged mainsail with…
brigantine n. Alternative form of brigandine.
BRIGANTINE n. a two-masted ship.
BRIGANDAGESbrigandages n. Plural of brigandage.
BRIGANDAGE n. the practice of brigands.
BRIGANDINESbrigandines n. Plural of brigandine.
BRIGANDINE n. leather armour with metal scales.
BRIGANDRIESbrigandries n. Plural of brigandry.
BRIGANDRY n. the act of being a brigand.
BRIGANTINESbrigantines n. Plural of brigantine.
BRIGANTINE n. a two-masted ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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