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There are 17 words containing BLIST

BLISTB-list n. An informal list of people in any of several categories (but especially in the entertainment industry)…
BLESS v. to sanctify.
BIBLISTbiblist n. One who holds the Bible as the sole rule of faith.
biblist n. A biblical scholar; a biblicist.
BIBLIST n. one skilled in biblical learning.
BLISTERblister n. A small bubble between the layers of the skin that contains watery or bloody fluid and is caused by…
blister n. A swelling on a plant.
blister n. (Medicine) Something applied to the skin to raise a blister; a vesicatory or other applied medicine.
BIBLISTSbiblists n. Plural of biblist.
BIBLIST n. one skilled in biblical learning.
BLISTERSblisters n. Plural of blister.
B-listers n. Plural of B-lister.
BLISTER v. to cause fluid filled swellings on the skin.
BLISTERYblistery adj. Having blisters.
BLISTERY adj. having blisters.
BLISTEREDblistered v. Simple past tense and past participle of blister.
blistered adj. Having one or more blisters.
BLISTER v. to cause fluid filled swellings on the skin.
DISABLISTdisablist adj. Exhibiting disablism; prejudiced against the disabled.
disablist n. One who exhibits disablism.
DISABLIST n. one who discriminates against the disabled.
BLISTERIERBLISTERY adj. having blisters.
BLISTERINGblistering v. Present participle of blister.
blistering adj. Causing blisters.
blistering adj. Very hot.
DISABLISTSdisablists n. Plural of disablist.
DISABLIST n. one who discriminates against the disabled.
BLISTERIESTBLISTERY adj. having blisters.
MISERABLISTmiserablist n. Alternative spelling of miserabilist.
MISERABLIST n. a person who appears to enjoy being depressed, esp. a performer of or listener to gloomy music.
TURNTABLISTturntablist n. (Music) A DJ who uses a combination of turntables as a musical instrument.
TURNTABLIST n. a DJ who is skilled in using turntables to obtain distinctive effects from records.
BLISTERINGLYblisteringly adv. In a blistering manner.
BLISTERING adv. BLISTER, to cause fluid filled swellings on the skin.
MISERABLISTSmiserablists n. Plural of miserablist.
MISERABLIST n. a person who appears to enjoy being depressed, esp. a performer of or listener to gloomy music.
TURNTABLISTSturntablists n. Plural of turntablist.
TURNTABLIST n. a DJ who is skilled in using turntables to obtain distinctive effects from records.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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