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There are 19 words containing BLINK

BLINKblink v. (Intransitive) To close and reopen both eyes quickly.
blink v. To flash on and off at regular intervals.
blink v. (Hyperbolic) To perform the smallest action that could solicit a response.
BLINKARDblinkard n. (Obsolete) One with bad eyes.
blinkard n. A dim-witted or stupid person; an idiot.
BLINKARD n. (archaic) one who blinks or has weak eyes.
BLINKARDSblinkards n. Plural of blinkard.
BLINKARD n. (archaic) one who blinks or has weak eyes.
BLINKEDblinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of blink.
blinked adj. Affected with blinking.
blinked adj. (Appalachia) Sour.
BLINKERblinker n. (Informal, US, automotive) Anything that blinks, such as the turn signal of an automobile.
blinker n. Eye shields attached to a hood for horses, to prevent them from seeing backwards and partially sideways.
blinker n. Whatever obstructs sight or discernment.
BLINKEREDblinkered adj. Wearing blinkers or blinders.
blinkered adj. (Figuratively) Having tunnel vision; unable to see what is happening around one.
blinkered v. Simple past tense and past participle of blinker.
BLINKERINGblinkering v. Present participle of blinker.
BLINKER v. to put blinkers on.
BLINKERSblinkers n. Plural of blinker.
blinkers n. A pair of leather or rubber eye cups attached to a horse hood in order to impede the rear vision of…
blinkers n. (Plural only) A kind of goggles, used to protect the eyes from glare, dust, etc.
BLINKINGblinking adj. That blinks.
blinking adj. (UK, euphemistic, slang) bloody.
blinking v. Present participle of blink.
BLINKSblinks n. Montia fontana, a herbaceous annual plant in the family Montiaceae, formerly included in the purslane…
blinks n. Plural of blink.
blinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blink.
EYEBLINKeyeblink n. An act of blinking one’s eyelids one time.
eyeblink n. (Idiomatic) A moment (a very short period of time).
EYEBLINK n. a very small amount of time.
EYEBLINKSeyeblinks n. Plural of eyeblink.
EYEBLINK n. a very small amount of time.
ICEBLINKiceblink n. A glare in the sky caused by reflection of light from an ice field.
ICEBLINK n. a glare in the sky caused by light reflected off ice.
ICEBLINKSiceblinks n. Plural of iceblink.
ICEBLINK n. a glare in the sky caused by light reflected off ice.
SNOWBLINKsnowblink n. Synonym of iceblink.
SNOWBLINK n. a glare in the sky caused by light reflected off snow.
SNOWBLINKSSNOWBLINK n. a glare in the sky caused by light reflected off snow.
UNBLINKEREDunblinkered adj. (Not comparable, of a horse) Not wearing blinkers.
unblinkered adj. (Figuratively) Not blinkered; having full vision or awareness.
UNBLINKINGunblinking adj. Not blinking.
UNBLINKING adj. not blinking.
UNBLINKINGLYunblinkingly adv. Without blinking.
UNBLINKING adv. not blinking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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