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There are 12 words containing BIOUS

AMPHIBIOUSamphibious adj. Capable of functioning on land or in water.
amphibious adj. Occurring on both land and water.
AMPHIBIOUS adj. adapted for both land and water.
AMPHIBIOUSLYamphibiously adv. In the manner of an amphibian.
amphibiously adv. In an amphibious manner.
AMPHIBIOUS adv. adapted for both land and water.
AMPHIBIOUSNESSamphibiousness n. The state or quality of being amphibious.
AMPHIBIOUSNESS n. the state of being amphibious.
DUBIOUSdubious adj. (Of a statement, matter, or thing) Arousing doubt; questionable; open to suspicion.
dubious adj. (Of a person) In disbelief; wavering, uncertain, or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt; undecided.
dubious adj. (Chess, chiefly of an opening move) Generally considered imprecise or wrong, but not totally unplayable.
DUBIOUSLYdubiously adv. In a dubious manner.
dubiously adv. Accompanied by doubt, or anxious uncertainty.
DUBIOUS adv. doubtful.
DUBIOUSNESSdubiousness n. The state of being dubious.
DUBIOUSNESS n. the state of being dubious.
DUBIOUSNESSESdubiousnesses n. Plural of dubiousness.
DUBIOUSNESS n. the state of being dubious.
INDUBIOUSindubious adj. Not dubious or doubtful; certain.
indubious adj. Not doubting; unsuspecting.
INDUBIOUS adj. (archaic) not dubious.
RUBIOUSrubious adj. (Obsolete) red; ruddy.
RUBIOUS adj. ruby coloured.
SCABIOUSscabious adj. Having scabs.
scabious adj. Of or pertaining to scabies.
scabious n. Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Scabiosa.
SCABIOUSESscabiouses n. Plural of scabious.
SCABIOUS n. any of various plants of the genus Scabiosa, also SCABIOSA.
TRIPHIBIOUStriphibious adj. (Of a craft) Capable of traveling on land, air and sea.
triphibious adj. (Military) Involving land, air and sea forces.
TRIPHIBIOUS adj. of military operations, taking place on land, in water and in air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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