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There are 16 words containing BIDIN

BIDINGbiding n. An awaiting; expectation.
biding n. (Archaic) Residence; habitation.
biding v. Present participle of bide.
ABIDINGabiding adj. Continuing or persisting in the same state: lasting, enduring; steadfast.
abiding v. Present participle of abide.
abiding n. The action of one who abides; the state of an abider.
BIDINGSbidings n. Plural of biding.
BIDING n. a residence.
ABIDINGSabidings n. Plural of abiding.
ABIDING n. a continuance.
ABIDINGLYabidingly adv. In an abiding manner; permanently.
ABIDING adv. continual.
LIBIDINALlibidinal adj. Relating or pertaining to the libido.
LIBIDINAL adj. relating to the libido.
UNABIDINGunabiding adj. Not abiding; impermanent.
UNABIDING adj. not abiding.
LIBIDINISTlibidinist n. (Rare) A lecher or oversexed person.
LIBIDINIST n. a lewd person.
LIBIDINOUSlibidinous adj. Having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.
LIBIDINOUS adj. having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.
LIBIDINALLYlibidinally adv. In a libidinal manner.
LIBIDINAL adv. relating to the libido.
LIBIDINISTSlibidinists n. Plural of libidinist.
LIBIDINIST n. a lewd person.
LIBIDINOSITYlibidinosity n. Lustful desires, characterized by lewdness; sensuality; lascivity.
LIBIDINOSITY n. the state of being libidinous.
LIBIDINOUSLYlibidinously adv. In a libidinous manner.
LIBIDINOUS adv. having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.
UNLIBIDINOUSunlibidinous adj. Not libidinous.
UNLIBIDINOUS adj. not libidinous.
LIBIDINOSITIESLIBIDINOSITY n. the state of being libidinous.
LIBIDINOUSNESSlibidinousness n. Lechery, lustfulness, the state of being libidinous.
LIBIDINOUS n. having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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